bitten // kai parker (alternative ending)

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if you havent already, read the first bitten imagine, cause it goes with this! this is just a different ending that i thought of. it takes place write after y/n writes the letter to kai.

your p.o.v.

i wrote as many words as i could, before my hands literally felt like it would break in half if i continued. they were already turning grey. i signed my name at the bottom, then sighed, giving it to stefan.

"please give this to kai," i whispered, and he took it.

"kai doesn't deserve this," stefan argued. "but, okay. i'll give it to him."

i weakly smiled and stefan helped adjust my pillow so that i could lay down comfortably once again. as soon as my head met the pillow, i felt like i could fall asleep and never wake up.

"do you need anything?" stefan asked, though his voice was very, very quiet. i don't think he was actually talking that lowly. my time here is limited.

"call everyone back here, please," i mumbled, trying to force my eyes back open. the pain made doing even the slighest movement difficult; i couldn't even breathe properly.

he nodded, then got up. everyone entered the room, tears filling their eyes. i said goodbye to elena first, then made my way down to all of my friends who i'd never see again.

god knows where i'll end up. the other side no longer exists, so the chances of me seeing them again are unlikely.

damon held my hand and a beautiful scene appeared in my head.

"where am i?" i asked, looking around. the lights went on and everyone appeared. kai'a house, i noted.

"surprise!" they yelled and i jumped. the place was decorated with balloons of all different colours, banners hung up high and confetti all over the place.

"oh my god," i said, teary eyed. my eyes landed on kai, and i ran up to him instantly, jumping into his arms. i turned to see damon, a sad look on his face.

"this isn't real," i realized, looking at him sadly. he nodded, taking a step toward me as i got out of kai'd embrace. "i'm dying," i laughed.

damon pulled me into a hug. "i wanted to do that, but i was afraid i'd hurt you."

"it's alright," i said, hugging him back.

the scene started to fade away, and damon slowly let go of my hand. "goodbye, y/n," he said.

"where's caroline?" i mumbled. i wanted nothing more than to slip away right at this very moment, wanting the excruciating pain to finally come to an end, but i couldn't. not without saying goodbye to care.

"here!" she said, running in.

"y/n?" a voice said, and i opened my eyes, the dim light in the room already being too bright for my sensitive eyes.

"jeremy?" i whispered.

"no, it's kai," he said, and i nodded, trying my best to smile.

this wasn't the goodbye i'd hoped to give caroline, or even kai, but i'll work with what i've got.

"i love you caroline forbes and kai parker...." the skin on my face greyed, but i heard kai's voice.

he was saying something i couldn't understand, but as the seconds passed, he got louder and louded. my head pounded, and i groaned at the loud noise.

the pain started to subside, and i felt more alive. well enough to open my eyes and raise my hands. i glanced over at kai, seeing concentration written all over his face.

his nose began to bleed, and he fell over once he had finished. i jumped up, ready to help him, but care pushed me back down.

"he's fine, y/n. lay down."

despite being told to rest, i got up again. i felt fine, anyway. i immediately helped kai up and helped him sit down.

he relaxed into the couch, his eyes still closed. "we'll give you guys some time to talk," stefan said, and everyone began to walk out.

"we will?" damon said, and elena just grabbed his arm and dragged him away.

i leaned into kai's shoulder. "are you okay?" i whispered, and he laughed.

"i should be asking you that. i'm okay," he said. i wrapped both of my arms around his waist, breathing in his scent. i missed it so much.

"me too," i mumbled, closing my eyes. he seemed uncomfortable by me, so i let go of him. "what's wrong? did i do something?"

he quickly shook his head. "no, no.." he trailed off. "i'm sorry, y/n." he said.

"for what?"

"i can't do this," he said, referring to him and i. "i found this girl- she's.. i love her, y/n. i'm so sorry."

my heart broken into a million pieces and i just nodded, scooting away a little bit.

"y/n," he said. "please say something."

"i want you to be happy," i forced a smile. "with or without me."

his eyes found mine and he looked at me sadly. "i'm sorry-"

"it's okay," i said. "you saved me today. thank you."

he hugged me one more time and walked away, not looking back. not even once.

as soon as i heard the door hurt, i broke into tears. caroline, bonnie and elena quickly rushed in. i'm sure care and elena heard the whole thing go down.

always the second choice.

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