come back to me // kai parker (pt. 3)

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your p.o.v.

"who is kai parker?" damon asked me. i looked up at him with a confused look on my face.

"who?" i asked. they all sighed in relief, which only made me more confused, and curious. "am i supposed to know who that is?"

"no." bonnie said, and they all left it at that. throughout the rest of the day, i began to forget about kai parker, and why i was even tied up in the first place. bonnie, elena and damon left to go get a drink, but i decided to make some dinner for everyone.

surprisingly, my meal tasted amazing, which was weird, because i specifically remember that i wasn't the best at cooking. how did i get so good at it? nevermind, i guess.

i ate my meal and left the rest of the food for the others for when they got back home. though, they said they would be back two hours ago, and are still out. i scrolled through my contacts, accidently scrolling too fast and missing elena's contact. my eyes fell on someone's name, "kai parker."

what the hell? isn't that the guy who damon asked if i knew? i was confused. who is kai parker? am i supposed to know him?

i decided to try calling him, only he didn't answer. okay, i guess that was for the best. i guess there was no point in trying to figure out who he was if i couldn't even remember him.

weeks went on and i had completely forgotten about the name kai parker, or even heard of that name. elena, bonnie, caroline and i all went to a festival and took some cute pictures that i wanted to post. i scrolled through my photos, trying to decide which one's i liked the best, only i saw a random guy in my photos.

huh. was i that drunk that i had completely met a guy, took a photo with him, then forgot him? i only had like two drinks, surely i wasn't wasted.

i looked at the date the photo was taken. march 20th? that was 3 weeks ago... the more i went through my camera roll, the more photos i saw with me and this mysterious brunette and blue-eyed boy.

he and i seemed to be pretty close friends, so why don't i recognize him?

this was all so strange, so i decided to talk to bonnie about it. "do you know who this is?" i asked her, and she got all tense for some reason.

"no," she said quickly. "do you?" she asked.

i shook my head, even more frustrated now.

"wanna go dress shopping?" bonnie quickly asked, and i let the whole mystery boy that i seemed to be in love with situation go, and i nodded. i needed a dress to wear to alaric and jo's wedding, which was in exactly a week from now.

"you know i can't turn that down." i said with a smile.

1 week later - jo and alaric's wedding

the ceremony was beautiful. jo was about to say her wedding vows, when i saw something red erupting from her chest, staining her perfect, white gown. someone came up from behind her, holding a knife in his hand.

i immediately recognized him from all of my photos. he must be a witch or something, since he was able to cloak himself. gasps erupted from all around the venue. he chanted something i couldn't quite hear, and the glass windows broke and the ceiling shattered.

i would've been completely fine, being a healing vampire and all, only one of the leg's splattered into pieces, and one of those pieces just so happened to land in my chest. i screamed as i clutched my stomach, trying to pull it out, but i was too weak. '

"y/n!" the guy from the pictures yelled and rushed over to me.

i couldn't say anything due to the pain in my chest, slowly taking me away. "hold on, i've got you." he said, and when he pulled the chair piece out of me, i watched my wound heal as he looked at me, his eyes glossy.

"i'm sorry.. i didn't mean for you to get hurt." he whispered, stroking my face. i stared at his eyes with fury and slapped his hand away.

"am i supposed to know you?" i asked furiously, getting away from him. "what the hell is your problem??" i sped to josette, alaric by her side. i tried to give her my blood, but she was already gone.

"it's me, it's kai. you don't remember me?" he asked sadly, and i ignored him, mourning jo. the only thing i could remember was how often his name popped up, despite the fact that i knew absolutely nothing about him.

"you.. killed her." i whispered, and he got up.

"get out of here, y/n." he made his way closer to me, and i backed away. "i'm not gonna hurt you," he said, and i stopped moving as he approached me, putting his eyes on either side of my face. "i would never hurt you, that's why you need to leave. now." he kissed me on my forehead, and i was still completely and utterly confused, and now shocked. "i'll talk to you soon, okay? but right now, you need to leave. i don't want to hurt you."

i nodded slowly and began to help alaric carry jo out of there before i left the venue completely. even though kai seems to hate everyone that attended the wedding, he seemed to have a soft spot for me. why? no idea.

why didn't i remember him? even more confused.

for some reason, i could trust that he really did care for me, otherwise he wouldn't have let me leave there. alive.

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