lights // kai parker

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this is inspired by the book/movie five feet apart!

your p.o.v.

kai and i walked hand in hand, watching the snow fall beautifully down the sky. the more i went on, the more i felt the pain in my body, demanding to be felt. i pushed it away the most that i could. for my sake, and for kai.

"aw, look!" kai said, pointing to a coffee shop that was beautifully lit and looked warm and cozy in the inside. "it's freezing, we should stop there-"

"or we could keep walking," i said, cutting him off. he turned to me, confused, but continued to walk anyway. i didn't even know if i'd make it to our destination, but i sure as hell wouldn't let something as little as coffee stop me from reaching it.

"why did you want to come here?" kai asked as he held my hand tighter in attempt to keep his warm.

"i wanna see the lights." i tried to hide the fact that i was practically limping at this point. i wrapped my arms around kai's waist subtly as a way to keep myself balanced.

he just nodded and we walked like this in silence for the next five minutes or so. there were a few kids running around the snow, and one threw a snowball at me by mistake.

i dropped to the groung in pain, as he had perfectly hit my werewolf wound. i screamed. to them i probably looked like a dramatic adult, but if only they knew.

"i'm so sorry, miss!" the little boy said, approaching me. i waved them off, trying to get them to walk away after i told them i was fine.

"y/n? what's wrong, you're acting like you've just been shot," kai said, and i shook my head, holding my hand out.

"i'm fine," i said as he helped me up. my legs were now shaking and i could barely even hold myself up without grabbing onto kai for support.

"you're not fine," he said, realizing that something is seriously wrong, that i wasn't just being dramatic because of a snowball. "can you walk? we need to get you home, right now.."

"i haven't seen the lights yet," i said. all i saw were little, glowing dots. i'm sure they're more beautiful up close. my one wish before i die is to be here, with kai. not only is the view absolutely stunning, but it's the place my parents met. and that just means a whole lot to me.

he looked at me as if i was crazy, pulling away from my body. that action alone cause me to stunble onto the ground, not having anyone to hold me up.

kai immediately crouched down to the ground as i groaned. i was holding my leg, and he definitely noticed that one.

he moved my hand and rolled up my pants, gasping at the horrible wound one of the werewolves left on me. without even thinking, he picked me up and used his vampire speed to take me away, not caring if anyone saw. i bet those kids from earlier are confused as hell.

instead of taking me home, he took me to the salvatore house. he stormed into the house, ignoring the worried, shocked and confused expressions on everyones face. he gently placed me down and jo ran up to me, feeling my forehead.

"god, you're freezing," she said, despite the fact that my forehead was covered with sweat. kai ran around frantically, grabbing pillows and blankets from all over the house.

"jo, you've gotta help me," kai said once he knew i was comfortable. "there's a spell to cure a werewolf bite. i've used it on myself, but doing it on someone else takes a lot of work. please, help me," he begged, and that was the first time i've ever seen kai so worried.

she nodded. damon spoke up, "you destroyed my house while practicing your magic. you could kill her with it for all i know."

"i'm better at it, i promise," jo said, alreading taking kai's hand in hers. kai's hand glowed red as he siphoned some power from her before they both chanted.

i was still shivering, but i could feel the pain subside, up until it was offically gone. until it came back.

kai and josette both collapsed to the ground, blood coming from their noses. i yelped when the pain from the bite grew ten times worse. i felt myself slipping away, and kai wasn't awake to say goodbye.

"tell kai i love him," i said with my last breath.

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