come back to me // kai parker (pt. 4)

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your p.o.v

it broke my heart, having to tell alaric that there was no way i could save jo. i couldn't hear a heartbeat of her children, let alone her.

"i'm sorry, ric." i cried, hugging him. all he needed right now was somebody, and i would be here for him.

i heard footsteps, they sounded like they were getting closer and closer to me. "you missed the show." kai said, his figure being more and more visible as he approached us.

alaric had tears in his eyes, and he picked up a gun and shot kai. 6 times, i counted, and kai took all of them. he pulled one out of his skin, "freaky right?" he said, then glanced at me, seeing the worry and shock painted on my face.

"leave." he said strictly, and i looked at alaric, who only nodded for me to go, too. "he'll hurt you." i said to alaric, and he gave a very sarcastic laugh.

"he already killed josette," he said. "he can't hurt me anymore than that."

i cried as i sped out of there, the guilt from not helping alaric already eating me alive. i even debated going back, but i was already too far. if kai even killed alaric, i would be too late. he would be gone.

instead of going back home to the salvatore mansion, i went to my dorm room in whitmore, where nobody else would be. i walked in, throwing my keys on the table while i had tears in my eyes.

i turned on the light, screaming when i saw kai sitting on my bed, a picture frame in his hands. "what are you doing here??" i yelled, my heart beating fast.

"you gave me a key." he said dryly, clearly upset. now, i know that i shouldn't be any more than 6ft within kai, but i still took a seat next to him on my bed, anyway.

"please tell me who you are." i begged, and he handed me the frame that he held so carefully in his hands. i had a cheap birthday crown on my head, a sash on myself. kai and i smiled widely. my 21st birthday, i remembered. but i don't remember kai there at all.

"you're my best friend, y/n" he said sadly, letting a tear slide down his pink cheeks.

i stared at the picture, trying my hardest to remember. "i-" i began to say, but he cut me off. "you don't remember." he said, and i nodded ever so slowly.

"i'm sorry." i whispered, and he took my hand in his. he moved some of my hair out of my face, putting it behind my ear.

though i couldn't remember a single thing about kai, other than the fact that he was a murderer, his touch felt so familiar on my skin, like i yearned for more. he hesitated for a moment, then put his hands hovered over the top of my head. "may i?" he asked, and i paused before nodding a yes.

he began to wave his hands around, chanting something. i heard a horrible ringing in my ears as he worked his magic, and it all started to come back to me.



"sorry, manners. i'm kai," he said with a smile, and damon and i exchanged weird looks.

"y/n." i said, introducing myself, instantly swooning over his insanely attractive features.


"happy birthday, y/n" he said, smiling at the camera which damon was holding, capturing a photo of us and our wide smiles.


"he's literally gonna kill me!" i screamed to kai, floating around in the water. he wrapped his arms around me in a protective manner.

"he won't kill you. i'll protect you." kai whispered into my ear.

"protect me from damon salvatore after i just pushed him off the ledge of that cliff when he specifically said he'd kill anyone that got him wet?" i told him, worry on my face. kai laughed it off, but i pulled myself out of his grasp and quickly began swimming away.

"get back here, y/n!" damon screamed as i tried to get away from him, kai doing the exact opposite of what he promised me, and just laughed instead.


"which one do you want, y/n?" kai asked me, and i pointed to a pink fuzzy bear.

"that one," i said with a wide smile, and he won it for me by playing the basketball game at the fair."


present day

"kai?" i said, my eyes watering, instantly wrapping my arms around him. "i remember!" i yelled, and he pulled me closer to him, his arms tightly around my small figure as he held me tightly.

"thank god." he breathed out, not letting go.

i decided to leave out the whole part where bonnie erased my memories of him. kai already hated her enough as is, i didn't want to give him another motive for killing her.

suddenly, i remembered what i've been planning to do ever since before he left and got trapped in the prison world. i grabbed his face and pulled him in for a kiss.

he pulled away in shock, staring at me for a quick moment before latching his lips back onto mine. we pulled away, both breathless. "i am in love with you, malachai parker." i said with the widest grin on my face.

"i am in love with you too, y/n y/l/n."

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