rachel // kai parker (pt.1)

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(this one might be about 2-4 parts long, also, if you have requests you can leave them here or like anywhere lmao)

your p.o.v.

exactly one month until kai and i's one year anniversary. i had a surprise picnic planned out for us, as well as a couple of gifts for kai. today was a lazy day, we didn't really have much to do, so we decided to grab some lunch at the grill.

i drove as we sang some songs from nirvana, kai's favourite band and the only thing that kept him sane in the prison world. when we finally arrived, kai nearly jumped out of the car before it fully came to a stop. "kai!" i said, and he laughed.

"i'm hungry!" he impatiently waited for me to put the car in park, then jumped out, rushing inside. i giggled behind him, walking at a regular human pace, which is ironic since i'm not human.

we walked inside and sat at our usual table, a waitress already making our way over to us. "my favourite customers!" she said with a friendly smile, handing us the menus, even though we had already memorized them from to back. if we were quizzed on the contents of the menu, we'd pass with a 100%, maybe even some extra credit.

"you only like us because we tip you well," kai joked and loriana jokingly rolled her eyes, grabbing her notepad and pencil from her apron.

"sweet tea?" she said to me, and i nodded. "and a chocolate milkshake." she turned her attention to kai, and he gave her a smile. "you know me so well." he said.

i still looked at the menu, despite already knowing everything on it. "getting something different?" kai asked, and i just stared at it, looking for any changes. unfortunately, this menu hasn't been updated in 4 years.

"i'm not sure. i've never had their mac and cheese?" i said, but i wasn't really in the mood for mac and cheese at the moment. or ever, actually. i looked up when i didn't hear a response from kai. his focus was set on something behind me, and i turned around. "what's wrong? kai?" i waved my hand in front of him, but he only got up, close and personal with the woman behind me.

she was really beautiful, brunette hair with gray eyes, she was dress in all black, black leather jacket, black skinny jeans and tank top, she had black eyeliner on, and though i didn't get a good look yet, i assumed her nails were painted black, too.

i looked down at my clothes, different pastel colours all over me. we sure were different.

"rachel?" he stuttered, cautiously approaching her. her eyes watered, which was shocking to me. i didn't take her as the emotional type.

"kai." she said, and that was all it took for kai to run into her arms, pulling her into a tight hug. "wow. okay." i said to myself.

they were a few feet from my table, but i could still hear them clearly due to my vampire hearing. "i- i thought you.. i saw you!" he said, and she laughed. her laugh sounded nice, not to be creepy or anything. she's pretty, too.

"i had vampire blood in my system, malachai." so she's a vampire. huh. hold on, malacha?? kai hates when people call him malachai, what the hell? "i was looking everywhere for you," rachel continued. "and you.. haven't aged a bit?" she asked, and i heard kai chuckle.

"my sociopathic tendencies landed me trapped in the prison world." i was surprised to hear no response from rachel, i mean, after you're told that, wouldn't you let out a gasp? be loaded with questions? i turned around to see her face neutral, no shock whatsoever. that, or she was just really good at hiding it.

"come sit, we can talk." kai brought her over to my table, and now i was face-to-face with her, and, wow. she's even prettier up close. i felt sort of insecure around her, like she was way too perfect. i wasn't even worthy of breathing her air.

"hi." i said, greeting her as she slid in across from me. kai sat down next to me, opposite of her. loriana came out with the drinks, shocked, but only for a second when she saw a third person at our booth,

"will you be joining us today?" loriana asked, taking her notepad out when she gave us our drinks. i took a small sip from my tea.

"that's okay, thank you." rachel responded, and kai leaned in, his elbows on the table.

"so, how do you two know each other?" i said as nice as i possibly could, without letting the jealousy get caught up in my throat.

"she's my-" kai said, then immediately cut himself off. i knew right then and there, but rachel still confirmed, anyway.

"we dated. he was the first love of my life," she looked at him, her already rosy pink cheeks turning a shade darker. "who are you?" she said, turning to me, a grin still plastered on her face.

"she's my best friend." kai quickly said before i got the chance to talk.

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