clingy // kai parker

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your p.o.v.

i settled into the couch, my hands lingering over the play button. the popcorn kai and i were to share was to my right. patiently, i waited for kai to come out of the bedroom so we could start our movie marathon.

instead, he walked out in jeans, his black jacket and a white shirt. i furrowed my eyebrows. "kai? where are you going?"

"with damon, stefan and alaric to the bar..?" he said, confused. i frowned a little bit as he searched for his keys.

"but you said we were having a movie night," i pouted, and he turned his head towards me, annoyance on his face and in his tone when he spoke.

"come on, y/n. we're together all the time, can't you just let me go out for once?"

it never dawned on me that maybe i was being too much for kai. i had trust issues and problems with my past relationship that made me insecure. all i ever wanted to do was spend time with kai, but maybe he didn't feel the same.

the room fell silent because i knew he was right. he finally found them and left without another word. no goodbye kiss, not even a bye, or see you later.

instead of hitting play on the movie, i just went back to our bedroom and headed off to sleep.

when i awoke, kai was next to me, snoring loudly. he was still in his clothes that he went out in. he must've been exhausted.

so, i went downstairs to make him breakfast. pancakes, some bacon and coffee, his favourite. i even made the pancakes look like little vampires with fangs made of whipped cream.

kai stumbled in, rubbing his head slightly. "you made breakfast for me," he said sarcastically, but with the slightest bit of adoration.

"of course," i replied, placing the plates in front of him as he took a seat. "is your head alright?"

he nodded, taking a bite. "just a little hungover, i guess." i got up and went to the cabinet to get some medicine for him. i filled up a glass of water and placed it next to him.

kai looked at it and laughed. "y/n, it's fine. it barely hurts anymore," he said and i just nodded along. i wished he'd take the medicine, but i wasn't going to force him. "by the way, we're going out again tonight," he said.

"again?" i said, not even bothering to mask my sadness. he looked annoyed all over again and not-so-subtly rolled his eyes. "can.. can i come?" i asked.

"um," he said. "it's kind of a guys thing. you'd be bored there, y/n." i just nodded, taking the hint that he didn't want me there. we ate the rest of our breakfast in silence.

he went off into another room whilst i cleaned the dishes. when i finally dried my hands and finished, i made my way back to the bedroom, where i assumed kai would be.

now, i'm no vampire with super-hearing or anything, so it wasn't easy for me to understand what kai was saying, but i think i got a good idea.

"of course i love her, dude," kai said. i didn't hear another voice so i assumed he was on the phone. "but she's just so clingy all the time.. like she barely let's me be my own person anymore. she gets upset when we're not together 24/7..."

i stopped listening to what he said after that, my heart breaking the more i tried to. "yeah, whatever. bye." when he said that, i quickly ran downstairs before he became suspicious. i turned on the tv to grey's anatomy and stayed there for a while. kai never bothered to come out of the room.

my mind was thinking of a million different things at once. i wish he'd just told me how he felt instead of talking to someone else about me. though, maybe i'm glad i know this. i know now to back off and give him the space he wants.

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