rachel pt. 3 // kai parker

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your p.o.v.

elena and damon helped me calm down. right after, i went on amazon to buy them some new plates because i felt extremely guilty avout wrecking them.

then, i went home, expecting to see kai on the couch, or in the kitchen, or even in bed. the house was exactly as we left it. i pulled out my phone, seeing no missed calls or texts from him, either.

i decided to text him, despite what ye said, i was worried. he just responded with "with rachel." that's lovely.

i sighed, just as the doorbell ring. i heard a truck outside leaving, so i assumed it was a package. i checked the camera seeing that there was nobody there, and grabbed it.

my picnic basket, red and white checkered blanket and champagne glasses that i ordered for my picnic that i was planning for kai and i's anniversary arrived. it all felt like a stab in the heart, knowing that he's currently out with another girl.

i quickly hid the box in the attic since kai hasn't even been in there since we moved in.

when i headed back downstairs, i heard the door creak open. "oh, hey," kai said casually, whereas i was pissed.

"seriously?" i said as he breezed right past me. "are you gonna tell me more about rAcHeL?"

"uh. what?"

"come on, kai. she calls you malachai, i can't even do that. who is she??"

"you're.. upset because she calls me by my first name?" he asked, making me feel completely stupid. "i told you, she's a friend. i thought she died, but she became a vampire instead."

"and she was your.."

"my girlfriend. but that's in the past, okay? so let it go, y/n. seriously. we were just catching up." i nodded slowly. this was humiliating. of course he wanted to just talk to her. why was i so upset?

"i'm sorry.." i whispered, because my insecurities and clinginess has always driven people away. he sighed, coming closer to me and wrapping his broad arms around me. he rested his chin on the top of my head, he's got at least a foot and a half on me.

"it's okay," he promised.

four weeks later

"hey, do you wanna go to the grill today?" i asked casually, though at this point i literally wanted to beg him.

"sorry, i'm meeting up with rachel today."

rachel. of course. the girl he told me not to worry about. the girl who he told that i was just his friend. the first love of his life.

"again? kai, you guys have been hanging out for the last three weeks, and we always go to the grill at least once or twice a week," i argued. "loriana's probably looking for us."

"oh, come on. it's not that big of a deal. if i'm home early enough, we can still go, okay?"

i just nodded, knowing that half-assed promise is the most that i'll get out of him. i decided to just spend the rest of my day shopping with caroline instead of waiting for kai.

care and i decided to grab a bite to eat, so instead of going to the grill with kai, i went with caroline. i missed their food, so going with matt would be tolerable for me, as long as i got a burger.

loriana seated us at a table far from kai and i's usual, since it was pretty packed today. i scanned the room, looking to see who was sitting at kai and i's usual spot.

kai. and rachel, i noticed with wide eyes. caroline quickly caught on, opening her mouth to speak. i put my finger over my mouth to shut her up, scribbling something on the napkin.

"she's a vamp," i wrote, passing it onto her. she nodded, and it was insanely awkward when loriana came around because instead of a thank you, we gave her two thunbs up and politely motioned for her to go away.

i tucked my hair behind my ear and caroline did the same. "i really like hanging out with you," kai said, and i wanted to vomit. "i missed you, you know."

"i know," rachel said. i glanced up to see them holding hands over the table, looking dreamily into one another's eyes.

i threw a twenty onto the table before rushing out, using my hair to hide my face.

i waited and waited for kai but he never came home. so i went to bed, but when i woke up, he wasn't back either. and of course, all my anger turned to worry, but i didn't want to be any of those things because it's our freaking anniversary, for crying out loud.

a/n: pls i forgot about this story but i kinda like the plot so im gonna continue it!

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