necklace // kai parker

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your p.o.v.

i twirled my necklace in my hands as i tried to concentrate on ric's lecture. "y/n?" he said, calling on me.

"um, i'm sorry. can you repeat that?" some of the class laughed.

"eyes on the board, please. in a matter of a life or death situation..." he contined, yet i failed to listen once again. i'd probably ask him about it later, anyway.

i continued to play with the necklace, scribbling down a few words that i heard being thrown around.

"alright. that's all. class is dismissed." i stood up, grabbing my thermos that kept my blood warm. "please try not to drink that in my class, it's distracting."

"sorry.." i said awkwardly, shoving my papers into my bag.

"are you alright? do you need help with anything?" he asked and i shook my head. ever since kai broke up with me, i've been off. everyone could notice. i'm different without him.

walking out, i tried to get as far away from ric as possible before i gulped down the rest of my drink. i was done for today. i shoved the flask into my bag, securely zipping it before making it back to my dorm which i shared with bonnie, elena and care.

"hey," i said to bonnie. elena and caroline weren't back yet.

"hi," she said, eyes falling onto my necklace. "you said you were getting rid of that thing," she groaned and i played with it again, twirling it and getting it tangled in all sorts of ways.

"i can't."

kai gave me this necklace on our one year anniversary. it means the world to me. i still can't come to terms that kai and i are done for good, getting rid of this necklace just makes it official. i don't think i'm ready for that yet. i told bonnie that.

she sighed, wrapping her arms around me. i'm not sure when i started crying, but i did. "come here," she mumbled, pulling me into her embrace. "take your time. whenever you're ready."

i nodded. shortly after, caroline and elena returned. the two of them, along with bonnie are getting ready to go to some party. "i'll pass," i said, helping bonnie do her makeup.

"come on, y/n. it'll be fun," elena said.

"and a great way to keep your mind off of he-who-shall-not-be-named," caroline said, making me laugh.

"i'll take your word for it," was all i said, touching up elena and caroline's hair before they left.

i waited a few minutes before i grabbed my keys and headed out. i made sure to get my wallet, then i went out to my car, double checking to make sure the roses are in the back. they were.

on my way there, i listened to one of my mom and i's favourite songs. i chuckled at the memory of us goofing off, joking about how i'd play this at my wedding and all.

when i finally reached the cemetary, i inhaled, grabbing the flowers and making my way to my mother's grave.

"hi, mom," i said, replacing the old flowers with the fresh new ones. "i'm back already," i chuckled, just having visited her a week ago.

"today was.. okay," i said, whispering and holding the necklace in the palm of my hand. "just lonely, i guess. i miss you." tears fell from my face as i quickly wiped them away.

"i wish you were here to tell me what to do.."

i stopped myself, hearing rustling behind me. turning around, i was met face-to-face with kai parker, the heartbreaker.

"hi.." i whispered, turning my head away from him. he always hated when i cried. the necklace was still in my hand, but i picked at it slightly, nervous and awkward around his presence.

he took a seat next to me, laying the flowers on her grave. "what're you doing here?" i asked, not looking up at him.

"what's it look like?" he sarcastically said. "paying my respects." i only nodded, trying to think of any excuse to get out of here.

i placed the necklace in my hand once again, admiring it's beauty. kai really chose the most perfect one.

"the necklace," he stated. "you still wear it."

"of course," i whispered.

he turned to look at me now, which only made me want to look away, feeling self conscious nearby him. instead of allowing me to do so, he grabbed my face and turned it towards him.

"i'm so sorry, y/n," he started. "i was just... i was scared of hurting you. i'd never forgive myself if i did.. i'm sorry." he let go of my face, turning back to the stone, his arm falling to his side.

"i understand," was all i could say.

"why haven't you taken the necklace off?" he asked, and i chuckled.

"if i told you, you'd laugh at me, given your thoughts on the topic of 'sentimental value,'" i said, laughing as i recalled how kai never understood why people cared so much for teddy bears and such.

he laughed, too. "you feel for an inanimate object?" he asked. i slowly nodded.

"something like that.."

"it really suits you, you know. it brings out the colour in your eyes. that's why i picked it."

i smiled a little bit to myself. "i know i don't deserve your forgiveness, but do you think it's possible that i try and earn it back?"

"possibly," i said, leaning my head on his shoulder.

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