traveller pt. 1 // kai parker

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(this switches povs quite often so make sure you pay attention to avoid confusion! :))

your p.o.v.

"i forgive you katherine," i whispered as she slept. i didn't have enough courage to actually tell her this whilst she was awake because of all of the harm she's caused me, but i couldn't let her die without saying something kind to her.

she grabbed my wrist as i was about to turn away. "thank you," she whispered and i nodded awkwardly, not knowing rhat she was awake. she began chanting something, and then i randomly blacked out.

katherine's p.o.v.

i looked at my hand's, then at the body next to me. stepping into the mirror, i almost passed out from this being such an odd experience. i had successfully jumped into y/n's body. i quickly texted my daughter, nadia, telling her that our plan worked.

i would have much rather preferred to jump into elena's body since we have a similar face, though i'm still prettier, obviously.. but she left too soon and i had no way to get her back into the room without blowing my cover.

thankfully, just as i was about to close my eyes for good, y/n, her stupid, innocent self, made her way to the room. it took all of my strength but it was worth it.

i took a few steps around the room, trying to get used to y/n's body. she's definitely a few inches shorter than me, and it's almost embarrassing that this body can't touch the ceiling without going on tippy-toes.

then, i made my way downstairs. stefan and i will be in love again. he and y/n dated for a year or so, until she called it quits. i mean, seriously. how dumb can she be??

but first, kai. i had to play it cool or it would be a dead giveaway that it's not actually y/n. i sort of stormed over to kai, trying to mimic the way y/n walked.

"hey.. are you okay?" he asked, gently touching my arm. i gasped when his firm hands touched me. he is cute, sure, but he's not stefan. "did katherine say something to you?" his jaw clenched, and so did mine.

"yes, actually," i started. "she told me that you and her kissed. at the bar." that is true, it happened one time when his and y/n's relationship was still fresh. we had promised not to tell anyone and that we would take that secret to the grave. it's embarrassing enough kissing kai.

his eyes went wide with shock as he tried to defend himself. "wait, y/n, listen!! it was a mistake and it only happened once, i promise. it never went further than a kiss and if i could take it back, i would. please trust me, i'm so sorry-"

"i trusted you!!" i said, giving him a shove. i almost laughed at how stupid this was. "and you kissed katherine? do you know what she's done to me?"

he was now speechless, trying to take my hand in his, but i quickly pulled away. "get away from me, kai," i said angrily, but when he didn't move, i yelled. "LEAVE!" kai flinched, backing down and going out the front door.

i smirked when he left. that was quite easy, i just had to dig up a long, buried secret.

your p.o.v.

"how did i get here..?" i whispered to myself, and then rushed back upstairs. katherine's body had disappeared. she must've jumped into my body, and if i don't hurry, she'll make it permanent.

i yelled, looking for kai, or damon, or literally anyone "CAROLINE!! BONNIE!! DAMON!! KAI!! ELENA!! STEFAN!" i yelled from the top of my lungs. caroline was the first to get to me.

"help!! you've gotta help me kat-" i said, gripping her shoulders.

katherine's p.o.v.

i blacked out for a few seconds before returning back to reality. i held onto caroline tightly and she stared at me, confused.

"cat? what about cats?" she said, and i let out a sigh of relief. she doesn't know.

"the cat.. it ran in here then back out! let me go chase it!" i said, quickly running out of the house. if i stayed for any longer, y/n may just come back and it could ruin everything.

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