they're just kids // kai parker

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your p.o.v.

for some reason, it shocked everyone when kai returned, after we all saw damon slice his head off with his own bare hands. of course, i grieved. i wasn't a monster, i just didn't waste too much time on it.

it's kai parker, you can never seem to get rid of him for good. the chances of kai returning got even higher when we all found out that hell exists, thanks to seline and sybil. that's where kai is. 100%.

and sure enough, he was there. he's out now. standing in front of me.

"kai," i said. "took you long enough," i ran into his arms, a huge smile on my face. kai may be a sociopath, but when he cared for someone, he'd do anything for them. and you're lucky to be one, if not the only, person he cares about.

"sorry, i was burning in literal hell, no biggie," he said with a grin. "i missed you, y/n."

i sighed, catching the familar smell of his cologne that i always loved, even though it was way too strong. "i missed you too, malachai," i replied, and he groaned a little. he hated when people called him by his real name, but he let me get away with it.

"so," i said, the smile never leaving my lips. he was waiting for me to continue. "you came back after 5 years, kai!"

"oh, i'm aware," he said.

i rolled my eyes. "isn't there something you want to do? places you want to see or revisit?"

"of course, y/n. i want the girl that i really like to order her favourite fries at the grill, only to have me eating half of them. i want to see her pretend to get angry, then buy her some more, anyway. but, i need to do other things."

"what do you need to do, kai? you're back! can't you do it literally any other time?"

"this isn't permanent," he said, referring to himself. "at least for now. which is one of the things i need to do," he took a pause and then looked at me.

"what's the other thing?" i asked. "i'll help you, you know, speed up the whole process," i wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a hopeful smile.

he shook his head. "you can't, y/n. this is a family matter."

"what?" i said.

kai grabbed my hand and held it in his for a second. "i'm just.. paying the twins a little visit from their uncle kai."

i pulled my hand away from his, my eyes going wide. "kai, you can't be serious.." i whispered, terrified for them. and terrified of kai. "they're only kids, kai!"

"gemini twins!" he tried to say, as if that was a valid reason for him killing two innocent little girls.

i shook beneath his touch when he stroked my face with his hands, but he moved away from me upon seeing my reaction.

"kai," i said. "if you hurt those girls i will never forgive you," i said angrily, and i saw the hurt in his eyes.

quickly, i reached for my phone, trying to warn alaric and caroline. he snatched it away from me, threw it onto the ground and stomped on it. he clicked his tongue, "5 years and you're friends with my enemies?" he chuckled.

he began to walk away. "kai!" i yelled after him, "you don't have to do this! please.. pl- please don't do this."

"i have to, y/n," he said sadly, pulling the door open.

"kai parker, if you walk out of that door you will be dead to me for the rest of my life," and that's a pretty damn long time, vampire and all.

"i've been dead for 5 years, y/n," he said, turning to me. "what's a few more?"

i tried to chase after him, only to run into an invisible wall. i kicked and tried to get throught the door, only to realize: the bastard locked me in here.

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