birthday // enzo st. john

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(republished because i wanted my first post on this account to be a kai parker imagine lol)

takes place during season 6 when kai puts the cloaking spell on him and elena.

your p.o.v.
today isn't just any ordinary day that we have to spend saving elena instead of getting to have normal lives. no, today's my birthday.

i love birthdays, they're one of the happiest days of the year. consider me a caroline 2.0, cause everytime a birthday comes around, you can guarantee that confetti and balloons are on their way.

of course i was excited for today. birthday's are the one time of year where (most of the time) you're not sad or alone. i awoke with a huge smile on my face. i made my way down the stairs of the huge salvatore mansion.

it was awfully quiet, which was odd. definitely out of the ordinary. "hello?" i called out. "oh, goodie. you're up." damon said, sliding a stack of pancakes over to me.

what a nice birthday breakfast, i thought, and put some whipped cream to make fangs on the smiley face made of blueberries.

"thanks, damon." i said with a smile. "yeah, eat up. you're coming with me to get elena." my smile dropped. "where is she?" i asked, taking a bite.

"see, that's the thing. she was supposed to come over last nigbt, and, clearly," he said, putting his hands up.

"and here i thought i was going to have a nice day without having to save elena." i sighed, taking of my apple juice.

"chop, chop." he clapped. huh. no 'happy birthday, y/n?' he went straight to the, 'help me save my girlfriend from whatever it is she got herself into this time.' great.

oh well. i wasn't going to let damon ruin my day.

i hurried and ate my pancakes, then got ready for operation save-elena. "you ready?" damon asked, looking at his watch.

"yep. let's make this quick, i hope to be home before 2." i said, making my way outside. he scoffed, "why, you have something better to do?"

i froze, eyeing him up and down. "no." i replied annoyingly.

maybe i was being irrational, i guess if someone need's saving (and that someone happens to be your best friends girlfriend), maybe it's not so easy to remember a birthday.

i scrolled through my phone to pass some time in the car. no birthday messages, just as i suspected. i sighed and turned it off. not point of staying on it if it's just gonna make me sad, right?

this day was becoming worse and worse by the second. not only did one of my best friends forget my brithday, but they all did. and instead of, at the very least, eating a cake all by myself, i'm out saving elena from kai parker (who is very cute, must i add).

liv did her "witchy juju" as damon liked to call it, and him and i went inside. i distracted kai as damon rushed to get elena.

the whole thing ended in me getting staked in my stomach (birthday present from kai). "y/n!" elena and damon both yelled as i tried to pull the wooden broom out of my stomach.

i hummed the happy birthday song to myself as i struggled to get it out. when damon got over to me, he ripped the broom out of my body and i screamed in pain. "damon!" elena scolded her boyfriend.

"you alright?" she asked, moving some hair out if my face. i nodded, breathing heavily.

they helped me get up and walk to the car as liv took care of her sociopath of a brother. i fell asleep on the ride home, but when i looked outside for a few seconds, it was already dark.

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