surprise // kai parker

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your p.o.v.

i anxiously checked the time every five minutes, just waiting for kai to show up; or at least text me that he's running late or not coming at all.

i've been waiting at this restuarant for thirty minutes, drinking sweet tea after sweet tea, trying to ignore the pitiful looks the waitress gave me.

kai stood me up. on our two year anniversary. a part of me thinks he forgot, he hasn't even mentioned it once today. taking me out to dinner is just a regular thing for us, but so is me getting stood up by him.

nowadays, it's hard to get kai's attention. he's always busy doing something and everytime he tries to plan a date, he never even shows up and i feel silly for even thinking that he might go through with it.

i left some money on the table along with a tip for the very kind waitress that i'd spoken to and drove home, feeling pathetic that kai would even come today.

kai's p.o.v.

"caroline, i get that you want to help, i know this is kinda your thing, but could you please just hang the banner over there?" i said.

she rolled her eyes but complied. "you're making a huge mistake. she's not even gonna notice the banner when she first walks in, unless she thinks, 'hmm! let me turn around to see if there's anything behind me! wow, a banner!' nobody does that kai!"

i laughed as i threw some rose petals onto the ground. "incendia," i said, lighting up the candles.

"show off.." bonnie said, lighting the candles by hand. i scattered the doorway with petals, then rushed to the drawer to put the ring in my pocket.

stefan and damon were blowing up balloons in the corner, and elena was taping photos of y/n and i onto the wall.

i heard her car pull into the driveway and panicked. "she shouldn't be home for another twenty minutes! everyone, hide! keep your cameras rolling!" i used my vamp speed to hurry and turn off the lights, hoping y/n wasn't puzzled by the sudden darkness in the house.

your p.o.v.

i saw all the lights flicker off in the house and i rolled my eyes. kai must be home, meaning he completely forgot all about our date.

fumbling with my keys, i let myself into the house, almost running into the wall trying to turn on the lights. when i did, i looked around seeing petals all over the floor, the room now lit up by a dim light and some candles.

kai stood in the middle of the entryway, my favourite flowers in his hand. i gasped a little, all signs of anger washing away from my house, now knowing why he stood me up. i ran into his arms and he pulled me into his embrace with a smile.

"i thought you forgot," i said, laughing, and he only looked at me as if i had two heads.

"forget the day that me and the most important person in my life got together? no way," he said, and i blushed, pulling him in for a kiss. it lasted a few seconds before he pulled away and dropped down to his knee.

i gasped, tears already threatening to spill from my eyes. "kai.." i whispered.

"y/n y/l/n," he said, opening the box, which i paid absolutely no attention to. my gaze was fixed on his face, a mix of worry and happiness and full of love. "you make me a better person. and forgive me, i'm not too good with emotions and sentimental speeches but, you make me happy, and i never thought that was possible. you-"

"yes!" i squealed, wanting to get those words out before he even begun his speech. "yes, yes, yes!"

he got up, pulling me close as i let the tears of happiness fall. i heard clapping and was startled for only a minute, until i realized that all of my friends were in the room. when i stepped into the living area, was when i realized that it had been decorated by kai, probably with the help of everyone else, too.

they had their phones out and were flashing them at us. i finally looked down at the ring, my eyes widening a little.

it looked similar to care and elena's ring, but instead the gem in the middle was (your favourite colour), and the band was covered in diamonds.

"is this a.." i breathed out, admiring the ring but also being at a loss for words.

kai took my hands in his, staring deep into my eyes. "i want to spend the rest of my life with you. i know that this is a big decision and i understand if you're not ready, but i know i am. and i'll wait for you. i want to spend every single waking moment with you and not have to worry about anything happening to you, or not being there to protect you. i want to be with you forever, y/n."

i hesitated, thinking about kids, my future career, my future in general. i'll i've ever wanted was a family. i want to be a (career choice), but long term, that wouldn't work. i could never have kids, but who am i kidding? if kai isn't in my future, then i don't see one for myself.

"yes," i whispered, and he looked at me with an expression that showed disbelief and shock.

"that's amazing, but are you sure? you don't have to do this right now if you don't want to- i mean i want you to but you shouldn't feel pressured-" i laughed, pulling his dorky face close to mine for a quick kiss to shut him up.

"i want to spend the rest of my life with you too, kai." we could always adopt. i'd just have to change careers a few times and travel when people start getting suspicious, but i'd do it a million times if it meant a lifetime with kai.

my friends cheered and we walked to them with huge grins on our faces. they congratulated us, and the girls were already talking about the wedding. especially caroline. we sat on the couch and i looked up, realizing that there was a banner that said "happy anniversary."

"aw," i said. "that banner is so cute!"

caroline groaned. "see, kai! i told you we should've hung the banner near the door!"

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