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Sanem layed her head on the back of the couch staring at the ceiling thinking about Aziz offer. It was the place that Yigit had his office. Leyla saw her and asked if she was alright. "I'm ok, just tired and so much to think about." Can was sitting at his desk working on a new account when he said " Sanem why don't you lay down and rest on the couch. I can have JJ bring a pillow and blanket. If you want I can take you home later after I finish my work." Sanem looked over at him " If you don't mind Can. I still get tired and my leg is really bothering me. Could you ask JJ to bring me some water? I need to take my pain medicine, that will make me sleep." Can sent a text to ask JJ to bring the things to his office. "Not a problem Sanem, Dad and I will be here working. We will be quite. If you feel up to it, on the way home we can stop to eat somewhere." Leyla called her parents to let them know that Sanem was with her. Even though she moved out, they were always bugging Sanem. But, she knew they were just worried about her.  JJ brought the things that Can asked him to do. He helped Sanem get comfortable and adjusted her leg onto a arm rest of the couch. Aziz and Can had gone into Emre's office to go over the financial area of the campaign. When Can came back in the office he saw Sanem sound to sleep. JJ has always been a good and caring friend to her. He made sure she took her medicine and closed the office door when he left. JJ went around asking everyone if they needed Can or Aziz to please enter Emre's office, that Sanem was resting and didn't want her disturbed. Can couldn't resist. He went over to the couch, knelt down and pushed her hair out of her face, than leaned in and kissed her on the shoulder. He deep down still Loved her and couldn't help but stare at her beauty. Aziz walked in and saw Can admiring her "She sure is beautiful my son. I can see why you fell in love with her." Can stood up and walked to his desk "Yes Baba, with all that we have been through I still love her. She is my only one. I definitely have alot of work to do repairing all the damage done. I need to convince her and show her that I still Love her. I don't want to ever loose her again Baba." Aziz patted Can on the back as he sat down at the desk. The afternoon was busy preparing the presentation for the new campaign. Can occasionally would look over at Sanem while she slept. Before you knew it the work day was ending. "Dad, I am going to wake her up and take her home. Don't worry about me for dinner, maybe I can get Sanem to eat somewhere." Aziz was just fine with that and told him that he would see him later. Can went over to Sanem , knelt down and whispered in her ear "Hey sleepy head, it's time to take you home." She slowly opened her eyes and smiled at him. "You know that you slept all afternoon and missed lunch. You must be hungry!" As she sat up "Oh my Can, I'm so sorry the medicine sometimes knock me out. Yes, I am starving". Can knew she would be and said "My truck is in the car park, do you think you can walk to it?" She stands up "Yes!  Where is my cane?" Can gathers her things and the both head to his truck. They decided to eat a fish sandwich at the waterfront restaurant. Sanem didn't say much as Can kept watching her. He could sense that she was very tense. "Sanem, are you ok?. Can asked. "Yes, Can it has been a very tiring day plus so many things that I have to decide on."  "Sanem, the offer Dad made to you please, understand that Emre and I had no idea. He never mentioned it to us. I know you will make the right choices.  If you do decide to take it, you know everyone will help. Including myself." Sanem looks out toward the water "I know Can, I just need time alone to think it over." They finished the meal in silence. As Can drove her home he decided to tell her about him and his Dad had moved to Mihriban farm today. She just sat there in the passenger seat listening. " Sanem, do you mind me being your Neighbor?" She looks over at him and says "I have no choice do I. Like you said we will be neighbors, but nothing more." She still had hurt  feelings toward him in which he could tell. "Don't worry Sanem, I will leave you alone. But, if you need anything or need to go anywhere all you have to do is ask. I will be there." She replied  "Thank You Can, no need to worry about taking me places. I bought a new car and they were suppose to deliver it to my house today." They had reached the farm and Sanem was happy to see that her car was sitting there. Can started to unpack his truck to take in the house. Sanem turned to him and Thanked  him for dinner. They both said goodnight and went their separate ways.

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