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Sanem returned back to town several hours later. Before going home she decided to visit her parents. She pulled up on the side street by the store. The mini van she bought her Dad had been detailed with the name of the store. Sanem walked around it smiling about how well it had turned out. Walking around the corner Nihat and Mevkibe were sitting outside drinking tea they spotted their precious baby girl standing at the corner. They both ran to her full of excitement, with open arms and gave her a tight hug. Nihat led her over to a chair to offer a cup of tea. The neighbors from the area came a greeted her also. "How was your get away daughter?" Mevkibe asked. "Very relaxing! It really helped me. My head is not in a fog anymore.  My life is getting back to somewhat normalcy." Mevkibe replied "We are so happy to hear this. Your father and I have been so worried about you." Sanem filled them in about the resort she had stayed at. How she spent her days walking in a peaceful quiet setting and the plans she put together for herself. That she didn't even need medicine the whole time she was there.  Even told them about possibly starting to sell her creams and create a Company. Nihat and Mevkibe were so excited. "Daughter, we are so proud of you. It sounds like things are really looking up for you. But, you are the one to decide about this adventure and one else. Whatever you decide you will have our support." Nihat said. " I know Baba, that is a very hard decision to make. Leyla and I need to sit down to figure out the financial side of it. I have put if off for way to long. Aziz bey is waiting for my decision." Mevkibe grabbed her hand "We know you will make the right choices. Now let's go fix a meal. You must be hungry." Sanem stay most of the day helping out in the store as they continued to talk about her plans. She even told them about the argument with Can. It was late afternoon when Sanem left to head back home. She hugged her parents goodbye and invited them over for dinner on Saturday. The sun was setting when she arrived home Denise was sitting outside by the fire pit. They greeted each other with hugs. Sanem went inside to unpack and took a shower. Denise had prepared coffee and heated up the food Mevkibe sent home with Sanem. The girls were sitting by the fire enjoying the beautiful evening talking all about the trip. Can had worked late at the Agency when he pulled in the driveway. He saw that Sanem's car was there. As he got out of his truck his saw both girls. Sanem looked over at him and they both said not a word, only glanced at one another. He couldn't bring himself to walk over there so he headed into the house. Denise went to get ready for bed while Sanem stayed outside. She went over to the hammock to lay down. By that time Can was out on the upper deck watching Sanem. He decided to walk down the steps and head over. As he approached the hammock and found Sanem sound to sleep. Can reached over to grab a blanket to cover her up. He looked down and noticed a necklace with a ring on the end. He than knelt down to find it was the moonstone ring that he had given her. He smiled slightly and covered her up. Can stood there staring at her beauty for a few minutes. Then he headed back to the upper deck. Can layed on the couch reached in his pocket and pulled out the bandana that once belonged to Sanem. He smelled it, held it close to his heart and finally fell asleep. It was Saturday morning. Leyla came over to to go over the finances so Sanem could decide on Aziz's offer. Dinner went well, everyone loved the food she had fixed. Believe it or not Sanem learned to cook and did it well. Muzzo and JJ began to spend more time visiting and helping out on the farm. The three of them would walk through the woods picking flowers for the cream. They started to call themselves the Three Musketeers. JJ and Muzzo would even dress in camouflage when they would venture out in search of flower. It really amused Sanem. Their time together became a very special bond and no one could come in between it. They defended, took great care of each other and the two men really protected  Sanem like brother's would.

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