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Metin and Sanem had arrived on time at the Agency. JJ was preparing beverages at the drink bar when they both walked up to him. Sanem and JJ hugged "Everyone is waiting in the Conference room. I am expected to bring you both there." JJ placed the cups of tea and coffee on the tray. The three of them walked down the hall to the room. Everyone was sitting at the table including Emre and Leyla. Can was leaning up against the counter. Metin and Sanem sat down as JJ handed everyone a folder that Sanem had prepared for them. Right away Can and Aziz glanced at each other with a nod, a hidden thumbs up and slight smile on their faces. Can was loving this because Sanem was already putting her creativity to work before she started her presentation. Metin was just there to represent Sanem, let her have control and if she needed him, he would step up. It was now time to start the presentation. Sanem spoke " Now, that I have everyone's attention! Aziz bey, after many weeks of sleepless nights, walks around nature to help gather my thoughts and meeting with Leyla over financial matters. I have made my decision.......... I have decided to except your offer for the bottom floor of this building. I asked those of you here in this room to be included in any work pertaining to my business. I will now let Aziz bey explain to all of you first on what this offer is and than I will discuss what I want in which is layed out in the folder that JJ handed you. Ok, Aziz you may now tell them what is happening." Aziz stands up "I knew already about Sanem's decision. Her and I had talked alone these past few weeks. Believe me it was a very hard decision for her but, it had to be let up to her no matter how long it would take. The bottom floor of this building will be turned into a business for Sanem's Creams." Everyone was so happy and congratulated her with clapping. Aziz guides Sanem to sit at the head of the table where he or Can would sit during a meeting. Leaving Can and Aziz standing directly behind her. " You now may open the folder. The first page is a photo copy of the Patent so you can see it is legit. If you will now turn to page two. This is somewhat a layout of how I want it to be, you will find each room layed out on the following pages. Some rooms will not have to be touched while others will need renovations. I will need a list of trust worthy contractors that would do this without draining my funds." Aziz nudged Can's arm and whispers "you can do that son." Can just smiles at him. Sanem continues " Next a Company name has to be created. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Please put your heads together and we can have another meeting for that. I want it to be unique." Can stood there and blurted out "Why not call it Sanem. It means Perfection and Beautiful Woman." Everyone agreed with the name. JJ gave a airborne high five toward Can. Sanem was surprised by his suggestion than shly said "Thank You Can, so let's call it Sanem than" as she blushed. "One last thing to say and I will let you all go back to work. With all the renovations that needs to be done, I need some help. JJ this is where you come in and thought it would be good to put you in charge of." JJ sat up straight like ok I get to boss people around. I got this Sanem, he says to himself. "I need several people that would be willing to go out in the woods and collect as much Wild Flowers as they can. While they are still in bloom. I will supply netted bags to put them in. I will pay them for their time. On the other end, where I live I will be picking them too." JJ stands up looking all important and begins  to speak " Sanem" she replies "JJ" Leyla laughs at the two of them "I have an idea. Hopefully Aziz bey and Can bey will approve this, just a thought." He looks over to them and they both say "What is it JJ" He than says "Why don't we plan a weekend camping trip for Fikri Harika. Like we did for Campus Sports. It can be relaxing for all of us and everyone could pick the flowers. I feel they all will be willing to help since it is for Sanem. If we get the approval to do this Sanem" she looks up to him "JJ" giving each other a cute expression "Please don't wander off alone and fall in a deep whole." Everyone in the room laughs out loud. Aziz looks at Can with curious eyes. Can says "I will tell you later baba" in a low voice. Sanem replies "OK JJ, than you must make everyone go in pairs". JJ than looks over at Can and Aziz searching for approval. "That sound like a great idea JJ, you talk to everyone and see what weekend would work". Can replied. JJ got very excited and sat down. Sanem gave him a wink. "I will get right on it Can Bey. This is going to be so much fun!"

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