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As the week progressed, all Sanem's preparations had been made. Denise would care for the plants with help from JJ and Muzzo while Can and Bulut would work on the Cabin. She spent the whole weekend enjoying her parents company. Nihat was proud most of how his Early Bird was out in the world making her mark on it. They even planned a nice dinner with Family and Friends for her. The night before she was too leave, Sanem sat by the fire thinking how lucky she was to have these special people in her life. There were her tribe! People had come and went. She truly knew the ones that were staying in her life forever. Deep down she felt Can was one of them, even though she didn't show it toward him. This tribe were the ones that she could talk to for hours, but yet still enjoyed the comfortable silence. She cherished them so much that they had stuck by her side when she needed them the most. She laughed and cried with them, they believed in her. This made Sanem see who she really was. She Loved them fiercely, they were truly her tribe. Monday morning came, it was the day she would begin her tour. Fikret was picking her up. Leyla and Emre came over before work to wave her off. Aziz, Mihriban and Can were there also. She hugged them all goodbye before getting in Fikret's car. Can made him promise to take good care of her. As they pulled away Mihriban throw a pitcher of water to wish her Luck and for Allah to keep them safe. Everyone parted and went to work at the Agency. Can had scheduled to meet with the contractor that he finally decided on. Aziz, Emre and Leyla joined them to go over the blueprints. The renovations would begin the next day. Leyla handed him the payment for the first installment. Before you knew it several weeks had passed by. Renovations had started on Sanem's Business and Can's was coming along well on the Cabin. He was able to move in. The second floor still had some work to do. He built the staircase. So he could work on it when he wasn't working at the Agency and checking on the renovations. Aziz and Emre were alot of help also when keeping the renovations going. Sanem kept in touch with Leyla and would also call her parents in between the different Cities of her tour. Only two more weeks to go. With all the traveling she had been doing so far, she was getting tired. Fikret would make her turn in early to rest up. Can would once in awhile text her to see how she was doing. One evening after dinner Mihriban called Sanem to tell her the great news. Aziz had proposed and was waiting for Sanem's return for a small Wedding and Reception. It would be only Family and close friends attending. Sanem was so happy and excited it helped her get through the rest of the tour. Sanem's new book was being printed while on tour. When they both return a date would be set to launch it. The day finally came for them to return home. Can was picking her up at the airport so Fikret could go straight home. She was so wore out she feel asleep on the way home. Can had to softly wake her up when they pulled in the driveway. He carried her luggage in the house and placed it by the door. Sanem got in the shower and when she had come out a nice dinner was waiting at the table for her. Can left a note saying enjoy your meal, get some rest and seen you soon. He even put hugs and kisses on the note. Sanem smiled the most adorable smile and sat down to eat. Than off to bed she went. That morning Denise came to tell her she was leaving to go back and finish her Psychology degree. Sanem has been an inspiration to her all these month so Denise decided it was time to get it done. They cried, thanked each other for helping one another  and said goodbye, but promised to stay in touch. Sanem was now living alone. Today she would just rest and relax.

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