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Everyone sat down at the table watching as Deren was going through the things they had come up yesterday for the campaign. She was even trying to change things around. The employees were starting to get very irritated because all their hard work seemed like it was not good enough for her and were afraid to say something. Can was beginning to come down the stairs when he stopped hearing Sanem raise her voice "Deren why in the hell do you feel you need to change this. According to Aziz bey it was a great presentation and only needed a few tweaks fixed." ......"Sanem, its just that...................Deren begins to say as Sanem cuts in "Just what Deren? You all ask me to come back. I'm here, but let me tell you this right now. I will be glad to walk my ass right out the door and never return. This is all of our hard work and you want to throw it away. We don't have time to change it because if I remember correctly a meeting is scheduled tomorrow to present this". Deren was in shock that Sanem had gone off on her. The employees were looking down grinning ear to ear that Sanem had stood up for them. By this time Can had come down and stood at the head of the table "What the hell is going on here Deren. I heard raised voices" Deren looks up at Can and says nothing, while Sanem stood there with her arms crossed very irritated " Now she has nothing to say. I'm going to catch a breath of fresh air" she says as she begins to walk up the steps. JJ yells "Are you coming back Sanem?" She stops dead in her tracks turns around and says "I don't know" Can watches her as she continues until she is no longer in sight. "OK, Deren in the past didn't I tell you that our employees are just as important when it comes to creativity and not to hinder them in any way or form. Everyone here has a gift and by you degrading and making them feel unworthy. I have just heard it with my own ears of you doing so. Right now this campaign stays the same. Dad was very impressed with it. Do not, I repeat Do not change anything. We will all sit here as a team and tweak it together. Do you understand Deren?" Can says with a very strong tone, a raised eyebrow and a not so pleasant expression. "Sanem came back and by your actions, she is ready to walk back out the door. Do you honestly want that, I think no one does". The employees sat there agreeing with Can's statement. "You need to apologize to them now and stop trying to control everything. We are a team and work together" Deren looks around at each of them "I'm sorry and will not change anything that you all worked so hard on yesterday" ......"JJ, call Sanem and tell her to come back!" Deren said. JJ did as she asked only to see her phone light up on the table as it rang. Can looked at it and said "JJ please go find her. Check the outside stairway in back of the building, that's probably where she is". JJ ran up the steps as quickly has he could. He found her where Can had said. Sitting on the steps next to her, he saw tears running down her cheeks. He placed his arm around her shoulder and said softly "Sanem, we need you to come back. Can bey jumped all over Deren and said nothing is to be changed. We just need to tweak it some and load it on the computer for tomorrow. Please join us!" She lays her head on JJ's arm. "OK, but if she continues to make me stressed out, I can't come back here JJ" He nods stands up and holds his hand out to come. They both head back in the building and sits at the table next to Can. Deren looks directly at Sanem and apologies "Sanem dear, please forgive me. I was totally out of line" She looks over at Deren than says "Yes you were, you are forgiven" They spent most of the day preparing, downloading the presentation on the computer and set everything in place for tomorrow. Finally everything was done. Can let them all go home early since they had worked so hard the past two days. Sanem walks into Can's office. He was sitting on the couch reviewing paperwork "I'm leaving Can. Have a few places to stop on my way home" He stands up walking over to her "Why don't you come over when you are done. I will fix us a nice dinner and maybe we could talk" ......."That would be nice, but I will have to make a rain check on that. I'll see you later" Just as she begins to walk out the door Can grabs her arm, turns her around and lays a passionate kiss on her lips and than whispered lean into her forehead "Are you ok, I Love You Sanem. Don't ever doubt it" He let's her go and watches her walk out the door. She begins to cry when she was out of his sight. And layed her cell phone on the beverage bar as she was walking out.

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