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Wednesday morning arrived and everyone showed up at the Agency on time. JJ and Deren were so happy to see Aziz. They greeted him with hugs. JJ had left to set up tea and coffee for everyone. They all met in the Conference Room where the guard had set up the computer for the videos to be viewed on the big TV screen. Two Police Officers and a Private Investigator walked in with Metin. Nihat and Mevkibe were seated along side of Leyla. Nihat could not believe how many people were gathered around the table."Could you please tell us what is going on?" Nihat asked. "Well, there is something  that was brought to our attention pertaining to Sanem. What happened to her was not a accident. Nihat bey, we invited you and Mevkibe here this morning to view some tapes. Please know this, it will be upsetting to you both. Sanem is our top priority here, and we will do whatever it takes to get justice. I am the lawyer of this company Fikri Harika  and with being that, I will be representing your daughter Sanem with top priority. My name is Metin." Leyla placed her hand on top of Nihat's and Emre did the same to Mevkibe. Metin nodded to the guard and he began to play the video. Aziz spoke up to let them know it was the first time he was watching also.                                                            As they sat there watching, Nihat, Mevkibe and Aziz were in total shock. By the end of the video Nihat was now standing and became very angry and upset. Mevkibe was sobbing so hard, Emre had to hold her in his arms. On the other hand Aziz was not a bit surprised by Huma's actions and could not believe how Pollen had turned into a nasty hateful person. He thought to himself as knowing Huma had made her that way. The room had became very quiet, all you could hear were sobs.  The Police Officers and the PI asked how they wanted to proceed with this. "I know what I want to do. What about you Nihat? This will be your decision." Said Aziz. All eyes were now looking at Nihat.  "Press charges! My Daughter is laying in the hospital in a Coma and the outcome is unknown. She doesn't deserve this and I will be more then glad to sign any papers to proceed with it." Nihat said very angrily. "OK, here is what will happen. I need to fill out all legal forms with all the charges. A arrest warrant will be issued for Polen. The authorities will be contacted in The Balkans. They will arrest her and she will be brought back here by Police escorts. Unfortunately, that will not happen until Friday. Can does not know anything right now. Emre has been trying to call him but, has had no luck. He will definitely be surprised when Polen is arrested in front of him. Then I am sure he will be on the next flight home. We will not tell him anything until he is here in front of us." Metin said. Nihat nodded "Huma will not know about any of this. After we get Polen back in Istanbul. I will deal with her personally." As Aziz spoke up. Everyone had left except Aziz, Metin, the Police Officers and the PI so they could discuss the plan to proceed with Polen's arrest. Metin then met with Leyla and Nihat in the evening to sign the Power of Attorney and Medical papers on Sanem's behalf. After the papers were signed, Metin asked them if there were any questions. Nihat spoke up, " Metin We trust you on behalf of Sanem. But, there is one concern! .....the cost of all of this. I know I shouldn't worry right now and deal with it later down the road." Metin replied, " Nihat bey, you don't need to worry. Aziz and I discussed that part already. Since it happened at the Agency. That will be covered but, chances are all Medical expenses will be taken care of through the Court. Polen will be responsible for them. Huma will not get away with this either. So just worry about Sanem." With that all being put out there on the table, Nihat made a big sigh of relief.  "Mevkibe, would be relieved also, she is staying at the Hospital tonight. I will be sure to let her know. Thank you so much Metin and please tell Aziz the same." The day ended as everyone layed their heads on the pillow to sleep. They felt much better knowing things were progressing on Sanem's behalf.

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