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The next morning Sanem took her usual walk down at the waterfront to watch the sunrise. She had been there for about an hour when Can came along. They both said Good Morning to each other. She started to get up when Can spoke up "I think its time for you and I to have a talk about our past. We really haven't had a chance and I want to make sure you are ok and clear the air between us. I know you said last night that we would just be neighbors and I am ok with that." Sanem stood there for a moment " Did you not read my letter. Did you tear it up like the last time. I told you I am moving on and I suggest you do the same." Can looked at her yes I did." Sanem with a shocked face responded "You know what Can, I really am not in the mood to have a discussion with you right now. I may say things that you may not like and you may do the same." Sanem began to walk away when Can grabbed her arm. "I don't care Sanem, its time to face it. Yell at me, beat me do whatever you need to do to release your anger. I know you hate me but, in order to get past this we need to talk." Sanem moved her arm to make him let go. "OK, why in the hell did you not forgive me. You forgave Emre easily but, you never ever would listen to my side of the story. I know I lied but, I was the one misled by your brother, your so called ex girlfriend and her brother, your Mother and look where it got me. You kept telling me to trust you but when it came down to it you never could trust me. I screwed up. But you know what Can. I fell in Love with you, I made alot of mistakes and have regretted it since day one. But you left with that bitch that laughed at me when you said you were taking that London job because she won. I am so sick of people judging me over something that was cause from those that were suppose to be your little tribe. Why, why, why can you not forgive me?" Tears were falling down from Sanem's face. "I am sorry for not listening to you Sanem. But, I kept asking you to talk to me and you alway said later or had some excuse. So I shrugged it off. I learned that you in which I trusted the most was deceiving me in secrets. I was angry, that smell was between us. I felt like you had ruined the connection. That smell is very important to me Sanem. " He then stares her straight in the eyes. "Let me tell you this, was my scent all that mattered to you. That scent will always be mine. Any person can where it and it will never ever smell like me. Everyone's body chemistry is different. You have alot to learn when it come to my creams." Can backed off and hung his head down. "I so sorry Sanem really I am. I Love you and we can overcome this if you want." Sanem lips start to quiver.  " If everything was so special between us Can, this would of not happened. I don't know what I want out of us. What hurt me the most is you promised me that no one would ever call me other and you turn around and did it several times. I realized you were hurt by what I did. That hurt so bad. So that's when I decided to give you what you wanted and walk away from us. Put your ego aside for once and look at the real picture" Sanem walks away leaving Can standing on the pier. She goes into the house grabs a suitecase packs it and leaves locking the door behind her. Can goes home really pissed of. Aziz sees him and ask what is wrong. "Well Dad, Sanem and I just had a argument. I didn't realize how fragile she is. Its definitely over between us". Mihriban was sitting there hearing it. "Can,  You both needed to let it all out. It will be fine when you both cool down." She looks out the window seeing Sanem with a suitecase getting into her car and leaves. "I'll be at the office Baba" as Can walks out. Aziz and Mihriban just stood there stunned at what just happen. They both looked at each other when Aziz says "They will work it out. The storm had been brewing for sometime. Its all out in the open now." "Aziz, I don't know about that I saw her with a suitecase when she left"

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