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Sanem had to go to the Police Station to sign papers on Fabri and Aylin. Unfortunately she had left her phone in her car. They called Bulut and Metin to come down to the Station since they were the Lawyer's of both Sanem and Fikri Harika. After everything was signed Bulut offered to take her back so she could get her car. Even though the days events were over, Sanem began to feel drained from the emotional roller-coaster she had been on for the week. As she sat in her car thinking about everything she had so many decisions to make. What to do with her business, should she rebuild, her new book that was just released with possible book tours and Can. Yes her Sweet Can. He wants her to move in with him that she hasn't given him an answer yet. She has been through so much and as she stared out into the empty garage, she couldn't help but feel that there was a battle still in her mind and a war going on in her heart. She needed to pause and allow herself to rest and regain her peace and strength. Her thoughts became loud as her mind lost in worry. As she was struggling  with the silence, Sanem takes a big breath and exhales to let her fears leave from inside. Letting her chest rise and fall, she takes each thought and slowly let's them go. This was what they taught her to do when in counseling. She could still find the grace and now it was time for her to let her anxiety no longer define her. Being okay doesn't alway mean she was okay, that it truly is okay for her to come undone at times. While she was in her dark world, thats when she discovered the power of her own light. She started her car and drove to the Manhalle to see her parents. Sanem walked in through the house and found her parents sitting out in the garden eating their dinner. They both looked up at her " Hello Sanem, how are you? Leyla called and told us what happened today. Come sit down and eat with us." She made her way to the table and fixed herself a plate "I am so tired, so much as happened this week. I will tell you both everything." She began to tell Nihat and Mevkibe how everything that lead up to the arrest Fabri and Aylin. They could sense that something was not quite right with Sanem. "Daughter, are you truly ok?" Mevkibe asked "I just don't know what my purpose is anymore. The storms keep rolling in and I can't seem to get a break. I don't know if my cream business is meant to be." Nihat grabs Sanem's hand and begins to give her some advice "Sanem, listen to me. Sometimes its very hard to take the bad with the good and accept the lessons that life is trying to teach us. It's hard to believe what hurts us but, it don't break or let it shape us. Your mother and I know from experience that finding a purpose is hard to in those unwanted storms. Believe me when I say that they are not meant to way you down. They build us up and bring us to a place of becoming what we are meant to be. These moments will most definitely shake you up and tear you open. That place of discomfort is when you learn about yourself. And you will discover what you deserve and recognize the power of your strength" Mevkibe sits there agreeing  with every word Nihat is saying. Sanem is just looking down taking it all in. Mevkibe now begins to speak " Sanem, you are like a rose that is meant to grow in ways you never could imagine. Plant the seeds in the places that ache the most and water its roots. Daughter, accept what is coming next, yes it maynot be easy, but it will be worth it. Whatever life plants you, trust in the journey  and lean into the growth. Its time to stop dwelling on the storms, learn to weather them. You need the light to let the dark bloom". Sanem looks up a both of her parent and say "Baba and Anne, this rose has wilted, I just don't have the strength anymore to let it bloom. I've lost my business from these two evil people. I just don't know if I can rebuild it again" ......."Sanem, you have been give a unique gift passed down from your Grandmother. I honestly believe that she showed you her secret to do something for you future. Don't let it go stagnet, continue to use that ability to make something successful for yourself. Stop fighting it, rebuild the business so you won't regret it later down the road. Be happy my bird, spread those wings and make a name for yourself. Show the people in this crazy world that no matter what your background is, you can do anything. Whether it's a business, writing or spending the rest of your life with someone you Love." Sanem by this time had tears running down her cheeks ."Daughter, you deserve so much more, please don't give up on your dream. I can rest assure that Aziz bey would agree. Let him rebuild what the fire did." ......" You both are right. I became a rock from all of these storms. I will become a bird again and fly high. I will fill my pages with happiness and start over again. I won't let anything or anyone stand in my way and work hard to achieve what I really want in my life. Thank You so much Baba and Anne, I Love you both so much". She than get up from her chair, goes over to them and hugs them both as she places a kiss on each of their cheeks. "It's getting late why don't you stay the night Sanem, your room has been untouched" ......" You know I think I will. I still have clothes here to change into. I think tomorrow since it is Friday, I will go away for the weekend to reorganize myself and make a plan." ......"I think that is a wonderful idea." Mevkibe says as she gets up to clear the table. Sanem pitched in to help and than headed up to her room. When she sat on the bed looking over at the poster of the two Albatross she knew deep inside her future would most definitely include Can. So she looked at her phone for the first time since this morning. There had been several missed calls and text from him. She than sent him a text back <Hi, my love sorry just saw you had called. My phone had been left in my car all day. I am at my parents house and will be staying here tonight. Also I am going away for the weekend alone to regroup. I will talk to you soon. Good Night I LOVE YOU kiss, kiss>

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