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Now that all the women were gone, all the men including a PI put their heads together trying to think of who had set the fire and was trying to destroy Sanem. They had of list of possible persons that she may have has past issues with. Can was checking a list going over it several times when all of a sudden two names got his full attention. Fabri and Aylin!!!!!! The PI said the Fabri had been released from prison several weeks ago and that Aylin had visited him many times because she was free. "Do you think they are in this together?" Aziz asked "I understand that they have been in a relationship for a long time. She even had a engagement ring on her finger that the guard had seen when she would visit him". Emre sat surprised as he heard it "Wow, guess I was used to whole time I was with her." Can looked over to him and said "Unfortunately brother, we all were used by her. She was the most sneaky women I have ever met. But, you now have a wonder woman that truly loves you". Emre said with a huge smile on his face " Yes I do, been the best thing that has happened to me". Aziz goes over to Emre and pats him on the shoulder "Both of my lions have very wonderful women." The PI responded "OK, I will investigate these two people. Do you have a photo of them?" Emre pulled out a file and gave it to the PI "Here is everything that they were trying to do and photos are attached in this file." Aziz than said "This is not to leave this room. The girls cannot know. Do you understand?" Everyone agreed  as Aziz watched Can showing signs of anger. "That Bastard! I knew he was a piece of shit from the moment I met him. I didn't want to take on his account but, Deren convinced me to." Can than pushed stuff that was on the counter on the floor. "Son, calm down! You getting angry will not help the situation, until we know for certain it is them. You must get a grip because Sanem will know something is up." Can looked over at his Dad and sat down in a chair playing with his stones in his hands. Aziz gave his PI Friend a deposit to begin the research. They agreed to meet secretly as he found out any information on these two scum bags. They all left to head back to the Farm. Deren, JJ and Muzzo were already there helping Sanem with the flowers. When the men arrived to the farm, everyone was gathered around the table working. Can looked around searching for Sanem. He asked Leyla  "Where is my girl?" ...... "Can, we are keeping her busy. She is down in her garden room making creams. I am supervising the gang picking off the petals and separating  the seeds." ......"OK, I will be there if you need me" As Can climbed down the stairs he stopped for a moment to watch Sanem crush the petals in the mortal bowl. This was the first time he has seen her in action creating her creams. He then went up behind her wrapping his strong arms around her, placed a kiss on her cheek and squeezed her tight. "How are you doing baby? I am very worried  about you!" ......"Just trying to keep busy Can." ..... " I can't believe everyone is here helping with the wild flowers. Leyla has it all under control it seems." ......"Wow, I have been down here and didn't know they all came to help." ....... "Listen" Sanem you will get through this. Trust me, I will not let anyone hurt you. How many jars of cream have you made?" ...... "I trust you Can! Look in the shed over there. That's where I store them. They just need to be labeled." ........" OK, I will call Akif and see if they are ready. I will pick them up tomorrow for you." Can went over to the shed, opened the door and was amazed on how many jars were sitting on the shelves. " Wow Sanem, you have done alot." ...... "I come here and work on them some nights when I can't sleep." ...... "Well, how about I help you when we both can't sleep. Can you teach me how to make them. It will be our little secret." ...... "OK,  pull up a chair and I will begin to teach you now."  Can did as he was told. They worked together for several hours and every once in awhile Can would kiss her on the shoulder and Sanem would run her hand over the side of his face. They would only talk with their eyes showing how much they Love each other. They decided to go and check on the others. Music was playing as they approached everyone sitting around the table, even Aziz and Mihriban had joined them. Sanem was so happy to see her tribe there by her side. She began to tear up as she watched them work. It was getting late in the afternoon, so they all cleaned up and headed home. Sanem asked Muzzo if he could come by tomorrow to help her organize and work some more on the flowers. She even offered to pay him for his time. Sanem now had her first full time employee. Can had gone in the house to prepare dinner for him and Sanem while she was Thanking and saying goodbye to everyone. When she walked in the house she asked Can if he needed any help. He handed her a glass of wine and to relax that he was fine. She did as she was told and sat on the couch proped her feet up watching Can do his thing. He had fixed a nice meal. Sanem didn't eat much all day and was starving. They both dug into the meal right away. After they cleaned up, Can poured himself a glass of whiskey and poured a glass of wine for Sanem. They turned on a movie and the next thing you knew it they both had fallen asleep in each others arms for the night.

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