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Metin greeted everyone as Bulut introduced them to the undercover cop. They sat down at the table outside. Bulut asked where Sanem was. Mihriban said she would go get her. Can showed the PI both his and Sanem's computer. He filled out the necessary paperwork and took notes. He than said to them "OK, I need to talk to Sanem, she cannot be left alone from now on. This farm seems like a very safe place for her to be. Does she live here?" Aziz relied yes she lives at that house right there" Aziz pointing in its direction. "Does she live alone" ....."Yes" ..... "OK is there anyone that could stay with her?" Nobody answered him. They felt after Sanem's remark earlier the last thing they wanted to do was make her feel even more smothered. "OK, I will ask her these questions myself. There is a chance a undercover officer will be assigned here to protect her." Nihat looked at Mevkibe and said "how much freedom will she have?" ....."Well sir, put it to you this way. If she goes out, she will need to let this person know and they will follow her in a unmarked vehicle." .... "Can I make a suggestion?" Nihat said looking over at Can.   " Sure, it will have to be viewed and be approved by my supervisor. Any recommendation would be appreciated". Just than Mihriban and Sanem walked up. Everyone looked at her and could tell she had been crying. Can got up from his chair, went over to her and lean into her ear "Are you alright baby, this officer needs to ask you questions and make a plan to protect you". She nodded yes and he made her sit down where he had sat. The PI introduced himself to her and explained to her what had already been discussed. Can and Mihriban went in her house to make a pitcher of lemonade and Can made Sanem some tea. As they came back to the table the PI was asking " Sanem do you know self- defense? If not I would highly suggest you learn the basics" she sat there staring down and nodded her head no. Can handed her the cup of tea and said "I can teach her." .... "Great. You need to start right away" The PI said looking at Can's muscular  built and knew he would teach her well.  "May I ask would you be interested in being her bodyguard. Looking at you I would not want to cross paths or piss you off. You look like you could kick someone's ass big time." Can looked over to Nihat and than at Sanem. "I wouldn't have a problem with being her bodyguard but, that has to be up to Sanem and the approval of her parents. Does this mean I will have to stay in her house 24/7?" The PI knew the answer but, hesitated to respond waiting to hear something from Sanem and her parents. Nihat looked over to the PI and said " May I please talk to Can in private? He nodded yes so the both went over and sat on the steps of the deck. "Can, as Sanem's father if I agree with these terms...... please, please I beg you to take good care of her and most of all respect her as a woman. I heard you two were back together and under these circumstances I have no choice. I love you like a son and trust you with my life to put her in your hands." Can looked over at Sanem as she watched them making their usual communication through their eyes and said "Nihat bey, you have my word to protect  and respect her. I had every intention of coming to you about us. I wanted to ask you for her hand in marriage. She is my world and will do anything to take care of her. You don't ever have to worry about that!" ........ " OK, Can we will have this talk some other time." He pulled Nihat in for a man hug, shook hands and headed back to the table. Nihat knelt down in front of Sanem,  took her hand and said "Daughter, it is ok for Can to be your bodyguard. Let him teach you self-defense. I trust him, he will have to move in with you and I am ok with it."  Mevkibe heard what Nihat was saying went over to them placed her hand on Sanem's shoulder and said "Sanem, its ok with me too. Can is like a son to us and love him just as much as Emre. I trust him to take good care of you". Sanem had tears in her eyes reached for the both of them and gave her parents a tight hug. She whispered in Mevkibe's ear "Mom, I am so sorry for snapping at you earlier, please forgive me. I Love you both so much".........."We Love you too baby, I am sorry for smothering you also. I will try to back down on that.". Leyla couldn't stand it and had to go over to join in the family embrace. Aziz and Mihriban were filling up with tears watching. Can just stood there taking all this Love in that he never received from his mother, but felt in his heart he would get it from this Family. They made their way back to the seats so the PI could continue "OK Sanem and Nihat, I need a answer about Can. If you want someone else I need to make a phone call now." Nihat and Sanem looked at each other nodded and turned to the PI "We all agree to have Can as her bodyguard" Nihat said as Sanem watched for Can's expression. He glance over at her and winked "I promise to protect and take full responsibility of Sanem while under my care". The PI than said he had to make a call to his supervisor to get a final approval. He came back a short time later and said "It has been approved but Can, you must come to the Station first thing in the morning to be assigned a gun and sign some papers. It's for your safety and given authority to use the weapon. Can said he would be there. The PI left and everyone hung out for awhile. Sanem was feeling very gruggy now from her medicine she went to lay down on the hammock and fell fast asleep. Can went over to his Cabin to collect his personal belongs. Everyone stayed by Sanem until he returned.

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