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Metin as promised picked up Sanem for the appointment they had at the Publishers. They went over everything about her book. It was agreed that when Sanem was completely healed she would to a tour. She also signed a contract to write two more books. There was no set date for them to be published but, hope they would be out a year apart. Sanem wanted to write about the experiences she had with mental health. Metin took her out to lunch  efore taking her home. Leyla was to arrive at the farm after she got off work at the Agency to discuss Sanem financial status pertaining to the book sales. Metin would also be attending. The evening came, the three of them sat down so go over everything with Sanem. She was so shocked over how much money her book had made from the sales and the demand were still skyrocketing. "Metin and Leyla there is a charity that I would like to make a donation with some of my earnings. Would that be possible? Oh, and I want to buy a car for Baba and myself." Leyla replied  "Sanem, it is your money. You can do with it whatever you choose." Sanen sat there thinking and smiled at Leyla. "I am so thankful of you both looking out for my welfare while I was, well you know........ I really would like to donate to the Mental Healt Center that has and is still treating me. But, please can it be kept aynomous?" Metin than said "Not a problem Sanem, I will see that they get it!" Leyla told them they would go to the bank first thing in the morning to get a certified check. The three of them will meet at the Bank. Metin even offered to take Sanem car shopping. They would get her Baba's first and deliver it themselves. Before Metin and Leyla left Sanem asked them one more thing well actually two. " I am thinking about selling my creams. Metin, can you get me a patent for them. I know a name is needed but, thinking on that." Metin replied "Yes Sanem I can do that for you and later we can add a company name." "Great, second, Leyla can you go with me to deliver Baba's car to him. Maybe a van will do since he has the store and could use it to pick up deliveries." Leyla responded "I sure can go with you. I can't wait to see his face when you give it to him. We need to have a big red bow on it too. I'll tell Emre that I will be late coming into work tomorrow so we can take care of it." They all hugged and said goodnight. Leyla arrived home to just Emre. It felt so good to have the house all to themselves. Emre had fix a special candlelit dinner for them both. For dessert he had a cake decorated by the local Bakery with a baby pacifier on top. They had talked about starting a family in the future. Seeing this she knew he was ready to start. Let the fun begin. Well, you know where this chapter ends. Let your imagination run wild.

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