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Emre walked into Can's office after Sanem left. He was pacing and running his hand over his hair "Brother, is everything alright. You look like you are worried about something," ......"I really don't know Emre! Sanem seems very off" ........"What do you mean? Is something going on with you two?" ......"Not sure. I understand there is still some doubts there. She is holding back on something, I can feel it." ......"I just asked her over for dinner and she gave me a rain cheek on it. Several weeks ago, I asked her to move in with me. She still hasn't given me an answer. Maybe she is afraid it won't work out between us. You know intimacy and stuff like that" ......"Has she said anything to you yet?" ......"No Emre, that's part of the problem.  She won't talk to me, I have asked her many times to open up and she avoids it. I have not put any pressure on her. All I want to know is how she feels about the whole situation" ......."Can, be patient she will talk to you when she is ready. I am pretty sure she knows that"......"I guess you are right. I made reservations to a nice restaurant this weekend hoping she goes so we can relax and talk then hopefully" ......"Well, thats a start. Good Luck" ......"Thanks Brother! Can I tell you something? You must not even say a word to Leyla. Baba, Mihriban and Sanem's parents already know"............"Tell me, I promise not to say a word"......"I am going to ask Sanem to marry me. Not sure when yet. I pick up the ring from the jeweler in a week. Just hope and pray she says yes". Emre is smiling ear to ear "Congratulations Brother! Knowing on the Can Divit way, how can she refuse. There is no doubt that it will be very romantic. You definitely know how to make things special when it comes to women"  Can smiles at his brother "Lets go home" Can says as he hits Emre's back. " I can't wait to hear all about how you propose to Sanem" They both leave the building with much convenience in Can's walk. On the drive home Can couldn't get this uneasy feeling he had. He got home showered and fixed himself something to eat. As he sat there alone sipping on a glass of his evening whiskey, no matter how hard he tried Sanem was on his mind. The more he thought the more he felt that even though Sanem appeared fine on the outside, she was hurting on the inside. After about an hour he walked over to Aziz and Mihriban's house. When he walked in they both saw much concern on his face. Aziz looked at his son and said "Can, what is the matter."......"Sanem" Mihriban immediately went on alert "Where is she?" ......" I really don't know. She told me she had things to do on her way home. Today she went off on Deren in which that was needed. The more I notice and watch her, she has a lot of built up anger inside." Can tells Mihriban. " OH my, I had a bad feeling about this. When she went away over the weekend, honestly I felt like she is having a set back. This happens sometimes, especially when traumatic things happen. Let me make a few phone calls. Mihriban walks outside on the patio to have some privacy and calls Sanem first, no answer. Then she calls Zeynup to explain everything that has happened to Sanem, they both agree on the set back. While outside, Can goes and sits down next to his Father on the couch. They both felt so helpless. " Can, I hate to say this but, I think I shouldn't have pushed her to come back to the Agency. Are you doing the presentation tomorrow". ......"Yes, Baba I am taking care of that. Its not your fault, we all thought she was fine. The ones to blame is Fabri and Aylin". Aziz agrees. Mihriban comes back after 20 minutes. "OK, I called Zeynup from the Mental Center and explained everything that has happened with Sanem lately. We both agreed that she is definitely having a set back. Can believe me when I tell you this, it has nothing to do with you. It has to do with Fabri and Aylin. The fire, loosing her dream of her own business its bringing up past pain. Unfortunately, we both tried to call her and there was no answer. We think she is running away. We sent out a search party to try and find her because if she is this torn up, we are worried she may try and do something drastic." Hearing these words being spoken, Can sunk so low on the couch and just froze. Kneeling down in front of Can, Mihriban says to him "Right now we need to be hopeful. You did the right thing by coming  here and tell us." Tears began to fill in Can's eyes as they fell down his cheeks, he literally began to sob harder. Aziz tried to comfort his son and let him cry on his shoulder. Can had finally settled down and fell asleep on the couch. Mihriban covered him up with a blanket to let him rest. Aziz took it upon himself to call Nihat and let him know about his daughter. The plan was to give her 24hrs to see if she would contact anyone and if not the Authorities would be notified. Aziz than decided to make the presentation tomorrow with Deren's help due to Can's frame of mind.

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