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It was now Wednesday morning at the Agency.  No one had seen Huma in a while. Except the occasional phone call to Emre. So she decided to make her way into the Agency. Of course she walked in there acting like she owned it with her nose stuck up in the air. JJ spotted her first and run into Aziz's office seeing Metin talking to him. JJ was nervous as Can saw him and asked what was wrong. JJ told them Huma was in the building.  " keep her busy for now, get Deren to help you. We have a plan already, but need some time to get things together.  I will let you or Deren know when we are ready." said Aziz. Metin got on the phone immediately to call the Police and have two Officers come to the Agency. He than asked Can to go pick up Nihat and Mevkibe and bring them here. Emre went in to inform  Leyla. An hour later everyone had arrived to the Agency. They were all taken to the lower level floor just down the stairs by JJ. Metin had his laptop all ready to go to show Huma the videos along with all the paperwork being placed on the table. The two Policeman were asked to stand at the bottom on the staircase.  Aziz called Deren to let her know it was time to  bring Huma down for the meeting. JJ was of course right there and wanted to see it all go down. They had hurt his best friend and wanted it just as much to end this. He was also nervous around Huma and for the first time he felt at ease.                                               As Huma and Deren walked down the stairs, Huma stopped dead in her tracks. All the employees by this time had gathered around the balcony to watch. " What is going on Emre, oh Aziz I see you are back." Metin than spoke up "Huma, please join us for this meeting. We have so much to discuss and cover." She was surprised to see the Aydin Family sitting at the table along side the Divit Family. As she made her way to the table, Metin pulled out a chair for her. Everyone had remained quiet and let Metin handle it all. "OK, Ms. Huma before you is a laptop that have some videos on it that you need to see. After that we will discuss the next plan." Metin than turns on the video as Huma begins to watch. She was very surprised to see what was happening. You see she didn't know that camera's were installed throughout the building before she showed up some time ago. Her mouth dropped when she saw Polen push Sanem down the stairs and how she layed there motionless. "Huma, did you know that Sanem was hurt real bad. She is still in the Hospital in a Coma. Along with a broken leg and arm. And still don't know at this point if she will ever wake up". Metin said. "Oh my goodness, I didn't know about this. I am so sorry Nihat and Mevkibe". They just looked at her with a hateful stare. Metin continued, "Huma, we really can't charge you with anything because after viewing these videos many times. You had turned your back and started to walk away. After Polen had pushed her, she run to catch up with you." Huma was relieved to hear that. "BUT, you have harassed, bullied and mentally abused Sanem when you were here in the office. I don't know what your problem was with her, no employee deserves to be treated that way. So here is what will happen. A restraining order has been filed for you to stay away from this Agency, The Aydin Family and mainly Sanem. Next you are to sign over your 20% share of Fikri Harika back to Aziz Divit. You are to return to Switzerland and never return to Istanbul. If you don't comply you will have charges thrown against you. We are no longer playing games. Your actions brought you to these demands. Here is an Airplane ticket for you to get the hell out of here today. These two Officers will escort you home to pack your bags and take you to the airport, than make sure you are on that plane. Would you please sign these papers for the courts. They will be on file there." Huma looked over at Aziz, than at Emre and lastly Can that had a very angry look on his face and turned his head looking away at her. " Will I ever get to see my sons?" She asked. Metin replied "That will be totally up to them". Can mumbled "You will never ever see me again". With that she signed all the papers for Metin. The Police Officers than escorted her out the building. All the employees clapped and cheered from above. Everyone sitting at the table looked up at them smiling. They all went back to work.

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