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Leyla was alone sitting beside Sanem bed holding her hand. When all of a sudden Leyla felt Sanem squeeze her hand. Leyla spoke softly "Abla, I am here. Will you open your eyes for me." Next thing that happened these beautiful big brown eyes were staring at her sister. Leyla smiled at her and said " Welcome Back, Baba and Anne are on their way." Sanem closed her eyes again. Nihat  and Mevkibe entered the room full of excitement. They asked Leyla what happened. She explained everything to them and how she woke up before they got there. Nihat approached Sanem's bedside as did Mevkibe. "My Early Bird we are here can you open your eyes for us? We want to see those lovely brown eyes of yours. It's  been so long since we have seen them" Nihat says.
When she heard her Baba's voice she opened her eyes and smiled at him. Just as she did the nurse came in and saw her awake. The doctor was still there doing his rounds so she called him to let him know she was awake. The Doctor came in "Welcome back Sanem, do you know where you are." He asked everyone to move so he could examine her. Sanem could not speak because her throat was sore. The Doctor told her where she was and what had happened. He explained about the breathing tube, thats why her throat hurt and will get better in a few days. He was very please and would return this evening to check on her. Sanem was in and out of it all day. Nihat, Mevkibe and Leyla stayed by her  side all day. It was getting late so Nihat and Mevkibe decided to head home. They kisses their daughter good night and promised to be back in the morning. Leyla was about to leave and went to kiss her little sister goodbye when Sanem whispered in a soft raspy voice. "Please stay with me" Leyla nodded that she would and sat next to her holding Sanem's hand. Leyla spoke, " I need to call Emre and let him know that I am staying here tonight. I will be right back!" Sanem nodded ok and fell asleep. Leyla went to the private waiting room to call Emre. She gave him an update on everything that had conspired throughout the day with Sanem. He told her he would let everyone know and would be there in the morning with fresh clothes. Emre went into the living room where Aziz and Can were having glass of Whiskey. Emre sat down on the couch and told them everything that Leyla had said. Can and Aziz were so happy to hear that Sanem was waking up more and more. They were looking forward to seeing her and having a conversation together. The only thing that worried Can was will she remember him. The three of them made a toast and spent the evening celebrating.                                                                Can had a successful meeting with the Publisher. The book launch was scheduled to happen in a few weeks. Everyone was working so hard to get the advertisements done so it would be ready for the Launch. Thing were finally beginning to look up for what that happened to Sanem almost a month ago. Just one more thing had to be settled pertaining to Polen. That would be decided by the end of the week.

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