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Can got back to Sanem's house and saw she was still sleeping. He wanted to go do his run and some sport exercises, so Aziz told him to go even Bulut joined him. They both ran through all the paths and hills on the farm. They came to a clearing to rest and Can started doing his exercises on the tree branches doing upper chest and stomach lifts. Sitting down on a stump watching, Bulut asked "Can, do you have any idea who has threatened Sanem. It has to be someone you both know." ..... "Bulut, to be honest I have been racking my brain trying to figure it out. There is someone in mind but, I need to check something out first. I will sure let you know after I research it" ...... "I just hope whoever it is they don't cause any harm to her. She has become a sister to me since she moved to the farm and I know that Mihriban cares so much too. She has taken her in as if she was her daughter" ..... "Well Bulut, I can promise this they will have to get by me first. She is my life and I will do anything to protect her, even would die to if I had to." ...... "I heard from the grape vine to don't piss you off or get on your bad side". ........ Can laughed when he heard that. "So, how are you going to be around her 24/7  and work at  Fikri Harika?" ....." I haven't had a chance to talk to her alone yet. Hoping I can convince her to come back to work there until this is over." ......"I don't know Can, she is trying to make her creams and get her Business stuff together for its opening"........ "I know she has a mind of her own and when she sets it she doesn't stop until she get it done. She use to work out of our Archive Room, hopefully she will agree to that. If not we may just have to have a PI here when I have to work."...... "Well, guess we will have to see." ....... "We better get back and see if she is up so her parents, Leyla and Emre can head home, that way I can talk to her. She hasn't said anything to me since all this went down today." Bulut went on his way to get cleaned up, Can sat on the stump to think alone for awhile about how to approach Sanem on this subject. He was  taking a drink of water he looked up the hill and saw Sanem standing there watching him. Can waved his hand and patted the stump for her to come down to join him. She made her way to him. "Hey baby, how you doing, did you walk out here alone?" ......"No, Emre came with me so I could look for you, when we saw you he hugged me and left. Everyone wanted to go home. Your Dad and Mihriban are cooking dinner for us. We haven't talked much and I wanted to find you. I am so confused Can and want to know how you are feeling about all of this" ......."Well, I was planning to talk to you tonight after everyone left." ....... "So what plans do you have since you are now my bodyguard. I know you have to work at the Agency and now protect me. How is this going to work?" ......"Sanem we will take it one day at a time right now. Tomorrow we will go to the Station and do what I have to do there, than you and I are going to the gym for your self-defense lessons. I already talked to the owner in which he is also a close friend of mine. There is a private room he will have set aside for just us. You need to wear some workout clothes. I have also talked to Dad and he is gonna work for me so I can spend the day training you." ....."OK, sounds like a plan".  "Sanem, I am here for you, please don't shut me out, talk to me when you need to. I don't won't to smother you, especially since we are trying to build our relationship back. You have to trust me more then ever now. This is no game, whoever is doing this it is serious. Do you understand what I am saying?" ......"I understand and trust you!"....... "I Love You Sanem and will protect you if my life depended on it." ......."I Love you too Can. Are you finished your sports?" ........"Almost, have to do some pool laps and than I'll be done. Come on lets head back." They walked back to the house holding hands. Mihriban was setting the table on the patio. Sanem stood with her back facing the pool while, Can was doing his laps. Mihriban poured her a glass of wine. Just a Sanem put it down on the little table by the lounger, Aziz had walked out with a glass of whiskey for Can. He looked at his Dad and Mihriban to shhhhh them with his finger to his mouth. Sanem wasn't paying attention when Can grabbed her by the waist and jumped in the pool holding on to her for dear life. When they surfaced Aziz and Mihriban were laughing at what Can had done. He swam them over to the opposite corner of the pool, turned her around to face him and layed a passionate kiss on her lips. She wrapped her legs around his waist and took it all in. After that kiss she melted in his arms and couldn't be mad at him for what he just did. After a nice relaxing meal Can and Sanem went back to her house. Sanem had just got out of the shower sat down with Can with a glass of wine when all of a sudden an Emergency Alert sound went off on his phone. Emre and Aziz got the same alert. Can looked at his phone and read <Fire at the Fikri Harika Building> Can rose from the couch and yelled "Hurry Sanem we have to go NOW!" Sanem didn't ask grabbed a jacket and ran behind Can meeting Aziz and Mihriban at the truck. Can hauled ass out of the driveway. "What is going on?" Mihriban and Sanem asked. Can didn't say a word as him and Aziz looked at each other. The two women just sat looking out their window and held hands.

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