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They watched silently, you could only imagine all their expressions appearing on their faces. "Now the second video" said the guard. As Leyla watched her sister fall hard down the stairs, she began to cry and shake. Emre walked over to her and placed his hands on her shoulders. When the video ended all four of them sat there in total shock. Anger had begun to rise up in Emre as he spoke to the guard. "Why did Polen do this, and Anne slaps her across the face. Unfortunately, there is no audio to hear what was said. What do we need to do from here?" Emre asked the guard. The guard looked at them all. " This needs to be handled by the police, but that is your decision." Emre was pacing the floor at this point. Leyla finally spoke up,  "Emre, you need to press charges on behalf of my sister. She didn't deserve any of this. If you don't do anything about it, I sure as hell will." Emre replied " Leyla, justice will be done. The only thing I can think of right now is to call my Baba and get him back here. He will know what to do and handle Anne. He will probably have Metin involved also. I will call him now." Emre pulls out his phone to dial Aziz. He walked away to speak to his dad when he answered the phone. Emre gave him a brief description of what had happen in the past 24hrs and even told him Can had left. Aziz had recovered from his illness and was taking a vacation before heading back home. Deren and JJ were by Leyla side trying very hard to comfort her while Emre was talking to his dad. He had hung up and told them that his baba would be taking the next flight out to return this evening. Emre said " He asked that this be kept between us and no one is to know he is coming. He is going to call Metin also. He wants to view the videos with us and Metin tomorrow.  We will meet here at 7am. Security he wants you to make arrangements to have two Police Officers here also. Leyla call your parents and make sure they are here too." Leyla did as she was told and called her Father. " Dad, said it would be best if we all saw it together, not to worry it will be taken care of. He also sends his love to Sanem" Emre added. The guard placed the hard copies in the safe for safe keeping. They all went back to work as best as they could without acting like something was going on.  As Leyla and Emre reached the top of the stairs, Yigit walks in. When he saw Leyla he went over to her asked where Sanem was that the printers had called to inform him that her books were ready. Leyla replied "Yigit, she is not feeling well and wanted me to let you know. That she will not be in" "Oh, OK please tell her to call me when she is feeling better." Leyla told him she would pass it on to her and they all went onto their offices. As Emre and Leyla were walking he said " you did good by not letting on what has happened until everything is decided by Baba and Metin." ....."Emre there is something else we have to worry about now. Sanem told me about her book yesterday morning. I never got a chance to tell you before it all went down." .... "Leyla, we will work on that also. Sanem will not get screwed over on her book either. You can let Metin know about this also. Especially with money involved." They both ordered lunch and had JJ pick it up for them so they could start making notes to go over with Metin. The evening was here quick. Huma had moved into her little apartment. There was no change in Sanem's condition. Emre and Leyla went home to await for Aziz and Metin's arrival. When they got to the house Leyla had prepared dinner for them. Everyone greeted each other, poured themselves a drink and sat down to eat dinner. Emre explain everything to Metin. Then Leyla filled them all in about Sanem's book. Metin agreed to take care of it also. He would get Leyla to represent Sanem as her Power of Attorney/Financial matters. He would get the Legal papers drawn up immediately. He would have them ready for her tomorrow to sign. Leyla felt it was best for her Parents to handle any Medical discussion that Sanem would need. They all said Good Night to Metin and would see each other early in the morning. Aziz was staying in the guest bedroom.

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