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When Sanem returned from dropping JJ and Muzzo home. She got herself freshen up, poured a glass of wine and sat down to relax thinking about Can. She was happy that they were back together again. She than reached for her computer to check on her 2nd book launch that would be this week. As she scrolled down one email stood out with eye emojis as the title she opened it up and read it <WATCH YOUR BACK!!!!! I AM COMING FOR WHAT  BELONGS TO ME. DON'T  BE LEFT ALONE!" Sanem immediately bagan to shake and zone out. Meanwhile,  Can was pacing back and forth trying to figure out who sent this to him and what to do. He had to find out if Sanem had received a threat also. Hoping she was back he headed to her house. Bulut walked into Sanem's house with a basket full of fruits and vegetables that he gathered in the morning. What he saw was so upsetting, he I run to her side trying to get her attention. She just sat there shaking and in a twilight zone. Bulut pulled out his phone and called Mihriban. She and Aziz rushed over right away. When they walked in the door Mihriban run over to Sanem surprise to she her in just a awful state. She tried to snap her out of it and couldn't. Aziz and Bulut were searching for something to wake her up from the trans. Seeing Can walk up Aziz yelled for him to hurry that Sanem was not good. He ran in and saw her. Can even tried to snap her out of it but, had no luck. Bulut found a first aid kit, opened it and pulled out a small vile that had a chemical in it. He then put it up under her nose to get her to smell it. After several minutes she started to snap out of it and began to beat the crap out of Can. "Sanem, its me baby Can. Its ok you are safe." She than looked him straight in the eyes and started to calm down. Mihriban was sitting next to her and said "Sanem what happened for you to be this way." She than looked at them all and said "I got a threatening email" and reached for her computer handing it to Can. The three men walked over and sat at the small table while Mihriban stayed by Sanem side. Can looked at his Dad after they read it and said to him in a quiet voice "I got an email from the same unknown source. I was heading over here to see if Sanem had received one." Bulut than said "Since you both have a threat you better call the Police now. Let them deal with this." Aziz agreed and picked up the phone to call Metin and Bulut called his friend from the Police Station. Can went outside pacing back and forth. He couldn't understand why people continued to bother Sanem. They finally got back together and here comes another obstacle. Mihriban called Leyla to come over that Sanem needed her. She didn't go into detail over the phone and would tell her everything when she would arrive. She knew Emre would also come to help keep Can calm. Leyla had also called her parents to come to Sanem's. Mihriban gave Sanem one of her anxiety pills to calm her down. They both headed out to the sitting area where Can, Aziz and Bulut were. Can jester to Mihriban to place Sanem beside him on the couch. He placed his arm around her shoulder to comfort her. He knew how to make Sanem calm down by his gentle  touches. That's one thing they both did to each other to ease them. She sat there even though Can was beside her still in and out of it. It was killing Can to see her like this. He couldn't help but imagine her being in this condition back when everything had happened from Pollen and his Mother. Now he understood what she must of been like. Mihriban brought them a fresh pitcher of lemonade while they waited for everyone to arrive. Emre and Leyla pulled up and right behind them was Nihat and Mevkibe. They were filled in on what happened and were waiting for the police and Metin to come. Right away Mevkibe and Leyla started to smother Sanem and tried to get her to go in the house. Mihriban sensed that Sanem was becoming very irritated with Leyla and Mevkibe, when all of a sudden she stood up and went off on them " Leave me the hell alone! I can't have you two breathing down my neck. My business is getting ready to open up, my new book is being launched this week and now I have this threat hang over my head. Everyone just leave me alone" ...."We are very concerned about your safety and mental well being Sanem. You are about to have a relapse. You need to calm down" yelled Leyla. Sanem cut her the most hateful look and walked away heading down to the waterfront. The men sat there and were surprised at what just happened. Mihriban stood up "Listen to me carefully, she needs to breath through this. Yes, we are very worried about her but, Leyla and Mevkibe you need to back down. I have this, remember I was one of her caregivers when she was in the hospital. I know how to deal with her you need to let me handle this. So please I ask don't smother her or she will crack." Mevkibe and Leyla apologized and said they would back off and let Mihriban deal with Sanem. "I know she is your daughter and sister. I am not trying to replace you both. Please understand this" Mihriban said. " We understand and trust you Mihriban that's why she is living here on your farm. But, I am her mother too and know we are not close like Nihat is with her. Sometimes I try but, our relationship is not close at all." .... "I know! Her and I talked about it. She does Love you just as much as Nihat but, you treating her like a small child isn't and hasn't helped Mevkibe. Let her live they way she wants to as an adult.". Nihat nodded at Mevkibe agreeing with Mihriban words. "OK I will not smother" Leyla agreed to do the same. "Sanem will still need you both. Let her come to you when she wants to and in her time." They both nodded as Nihat walked over to his wife and oldest daughter. Can was listening to every word that was being said he started to fidget when the Police and Metin pulled up.

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