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Nihat and Mevkibe went to the Hospital after the meeting of closing Polen case. Metin and her parents made an agreement to not say anything to Sanem so that she could focus on getting better. The Doctor called for a Family meeting so Leyla left the Agency for the day and told everyone that she will give them an update on Monday. Sanem was more alert and talking much better. When they walked into her she was sitting up. Her color was back and the IV had been removed. They fed her soup and crackers for lunch. The Doctor then joined them in her room. He checked her over real good. "OK, Sanem you are doing great. I need to ask you several questions. Do you know these people in this room?" Of course I do, this is my Baba, my Anne and my sister Leyla." Sanem said with a big smile on her face. "Very, very good. Now next question do you remember what happened to you and why you are here in the Hospital?" Sanem's eyes began to tear up as her lips quivered. "Do I really have to answer that?" The Doctor replied, " Sanem, yes my dear, I need to see if you have any memory issues from your head injury." Sanem than looked down played with her fingers and nodded yes. "I was pushed down the stairs at the Agency I worked at." Everyone looked at each other relieved that she remembers but, sad at the same time for her. " Sanem, I see how upsetting this is to you, but please understand that it is also very good that you remember because I was very concerned that you would have memory loss from your injury. I will give you something the help with the anxiety." She closed her eyes trying to get herself together. Mevkibe went over to her, pulled her into her chest to comfort her. Sanem than really began to sob. Leyla and Nihat stood there trying to hold back their tears. They then joined Mevkibe as they all held Sanem. The Doctor had the Nurse bring in a sedative to relax and help Sanem sleep. She took it as told. And than settled back into the bed. The Doctor told her to rest and waved to Leyla and her Parents to follow him out the room. "This is going to be a long road of recovery mostly mentally for Sanem. Monday I will have a psychological therapist come and talk to her. And we will come up with a plan for rehab. There is a beautiful place on a waterfront property that she will go to. It could happen as soon as the end of next week to move her there." The three of them went back in to say goodnight to Sanem. She was sound to sleep. They all walked out and took a taxi home. Leyla went to her Parent's with them. They sat in the garden having tea and eatng on some snacks that people had fixed for them. It was a emotional time for the three of them. Leyla had sent Emre a text to pick her up at her Parents home. When he arrived he could see the pain in their eyes. Saying Goodbye to Nihat and Mevkibe he took Leyla home. It was a silent drive back to their house. When they walked into the house she headed straight to the shower. Emre went out to the patio where Can and Aziz were sitting on the chairs by the fire pit. They both looked up at him. " Is everything ok?" Aziz asked. "I don't know, Leyla didn't say anything the whole time driving home. She came straight in and headed to the shower." Emre replied, Leyla was standing under the hot shower trying to deal with how to help her sister through this. It really was the first time she had broken down. Sometimes the best thing to do is stand in the shower letting the tears go. She got herself together after an hour headed out to the men. Emre asked her if she was alright. Leyla sat down on his lap and proceeded to tell them what the doctor had said. And that Sanem was given a sedative to help her relax. After hearing this Can walked in his bedroom, slamming the door behind him. He layed on his bed and wept. Eventually he gathered himself together and got ready for bed.

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