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Miles and miles away Sanem kept driving through the night. She had a destination to reach by morning. Her weekend getaway turned into researching small islands in the Mediterranean. She had already packed a suitecase, bought a new phone and drew out funds from her account and loaded it on one of those Credit Cards you could buy over the counter. She was bound and determined to not let anyone know where she was. She wanted so much to start over in a new place that no one would know her. Dawn was breaking when she finally reached her destination. She pulled out two letters and placed her keys on top of them on the passenger seat knowing that someone would be looking for her eventually. She sat there thinking as Can was concerned, she still Loved him deeply but felt how could he Love someone like her that was not mentally stable. It pained her so much knowing it would hurt him as she felt he would be better off without her. He was known to run away when things got rough and with her leaving this way she knew chances are he would go back to his traveling world and be ok. But, this time she was the one running   away. It was time for her to board the boat that would take her to the Island that she had chosen. The only way to get there was by boat. She locked up her car and walked away feeling hopeless. Aziz went to the Agency and made the presentation. It had been decided right on the spot that Fikri Harika had gotten the job. Leyla found Sanem's phone and took it to Emre and Aziz Bey. The three of them headed back to the farm. They searched for Can only to find him passed out on the couch at the Cabin. There was a empty bottle of whiskey sitting on the floor next to him and a picture of Sanem laying on his chest. It was no sense in trying to wake him at this point. So they let him sleep it off. A Private Investigator was hired from the Divit  men to find Sanem. He was even given her phone incase they found something on it.  Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. Can had taken photography jobs to help keep him busy. He would always return home hoping that the Love of his life would show up one day. Nihat and Mevkibe would continue to run their little corner grocery store to keep them both busy too. Leyla became pregnant, even though this was exciting, she missed her sister dearly and only wished she was around to welcome her niece into the world. Mihriban had packed up all of Sanem's belongs and stored them in one of her sheds. JJ and Muzzo moved into the house. Can built a beautiful shed behind his Log Cabin to put all of Sanem's  Creams in for safe keeping. He wanted her scent nearby to help keep him grounded. That's what kept him going day by day. JJ won the Sail Boat and it was kept at the pier at the farm. Every once in awhile the men would take it out. Can was made the Captain and JJ became his mate. It was a lovely sail boat and was named "Sea Escape", after the logo that Sanem came up with. The Boat Company was the one that named it and they had it detailed before giving it to JJ. Mihriban and Zeynup had made arrangements for weekly sessions at the Farm for the Aydin Family, The Divit Family and anyone else that was a part Sanem's life. They talked about all that she had gone through and the guilt some of them had caused on themselves. Sanem was the most important things during these sessions. She had been hurt by so many of them even Can. So much pain, suffering, tears and most of all forgiveness was dealt with. They all became even closer and only wished Sanem was there with them. Can refused to give up on Sanem. Even though she walked away he knew deep in his heart that she still loved him and he loved her just as much.  Being a womanizer in his past no longer mattered to him. Sanem became his whole world, the fog in his head, the air he breathed, the smell of wild flowers as he ran through the woods, and he would never ever let no one replace her in his heart. Someday she would be found and be back in his arms forever.

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