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It was Friday morning, day of the Camp Trip. Everyone reported to the Agency as usual. JJ gave out the daily agenda of what would happen once they arrived at the Campground. One van had been loaded with all the tents, camping equipment and any other supplies. The second van was stocked with non-perishable food and coolers full of meat and other things that had to stay cold. Two other vans had arrived to transport the employees in. JJ told them it was now time to load up. He went into the office to let Can know everyone was ready. Can and Aziz said goodbye to Emre and Leyla as they walked out to lead the way. Sanem and Mihriban were notified that the Agency was in route to the camp. So Bulut helped them load the SUV with what they were taking. He was staying on the farm to take care of their daily chores. Everyone from the Agency arrived to the destination and began to set up the tents. The men went searching for fire wood while the women were setting the tables for dinning. Can walked Aziz to the waterfront and showed him all around. Aziz really like the serenity of the area. Mihriban sent him a text letting him know that Sanem and her were on the way. While waiting for them everyone just roamed around and relaxing until the two women arrived. JJ did call a brief meeting to assign chores go over the list of who would be paired up. They didn't want anyone gathering the flowers alone for their safety. Especially after what happened to Sanem before when they camped out there. Late morning Mihriban and Sanem finally pulled up. JJ called to the men to help unload her SUV. Can and Aziz had been down at the waterfront when they walked back to see them there. Both went over to Sanem's car to see if anymore help was needed. Sanem asked JJ to gather everyone at the tables so she could talk to them. He did as she asked. Standing by a table that JJ set up for her with the bags and other things she began to speak "First, I want to thank all of you for coming this weekend. All your preparations and hard work is very much appreciated. JJ is handing out a paper with the list of Flowers and what they look like that I need. Along with the netted cloth bags for you to place them in. The reason they are netted cloth is so the flowers can be dried and preserved properly.   If you have any questions please feel free to ask me. It would be helpful if the same type of flowers be place in the bag together. I have plenty here so don't worry. Mihriban, Aziz and I will be labeling them as you turn them in. Than will be hung on the rope line that JJ put up in the sun. So feel free to go off in search for them after lunch." Can than approached the table.  "I have a few things to say, please don't go alone and make sure you take a bottle of water with you. We want you all to be safe. Thank You again for taking this weekend away from your families to help Sanem out." Someone yelled out "Sanem is our Family too."......Can then continues "This is a leisure weekend, no pressure and most of all relax. You all deserve a break from everyday work at the Agency. You may now go and do what you like. Lunch will be served in a hour." Everyone went off to do their own thing until lunch. Mihriban found the arch made of twisted vines by a tree. Sanem was still sitting at the table when Can came along and sat by her. " Do you need any help Sanem? Here is some lemonade for you." She was focused on sorting out the labels in their groups of names to be attached to the bags. "Thank You Can, I am fine." He remained seated when Muzzo yelled that lunch was ready. "Do you want me to fix you a plate Sanem?".... "I can get it myself Can." They both get up and head to the table of food together. Sanem didn't say much throughout lunch. When everyone was done several made they way into the woods to search for flowers. Mihriban asked Can to move the arch where he wanted it so she could start to decorate it. He helped her where she couldn't reach wrap the sheer curtains and any other touches she needed. Aziz was there watching it all come together. The three of them stood back and admired how beautiful it turned out when Deren walked up "WOW! this turned out beautiful Ms. Mihriban. We need  you at the agency when a photography shot decorative scenes are needed" ..... " Thank You Deren all you need to do is ask. Can you help me put the final touches on it please." They both got to work. Mihriban asked Can to bring various sizes of logs to be placed on each side of the archway. She had brought many baskets of fake flowers arrangements that looked real and put them on each log with trailing vines. It was all done and ready for the morning shot. Sanem had gone off with JJ in the woods to pick some flowers. Everyone was starting to return because the sun was beginning to set. Mihriban and Aziz had left and would return in the morning. Dinner was cooked over the open fire as everyone sat around singing and dancing. It was late so Sanem turned in for the night in her tent. Can went down by the waterfront where he had set up a hammock to sleep on. The evening went on and it got quiet as everyone had gone to bed.

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