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Monday morning came, it would be a busy day at the Agency finalizing the job to present to a client. So Can gave Sanem the binder full of photos to take to Fikret. She went to the Publisher's where Fikret was waiting. They both sat down at his desk to look through everything that Can and her put together. He was very impressed with the binder and most of all the cover for her book. As they were sitting there Fikret began to speak "Sanem, before the book gets released, I think that you should do at least a small book tour. Maybe throughout Turkey and maybe Italy. We can take a month to hit the most important book stores. Do you feel up to it?" Sanem sat there thinking for a minute when she asked "Who would be touring with me? I guess this would be the best time to do it because once my cream business gets up and running, I will need to be present. Than after things settle down than I can do more tours." Fikret replies "Good, sounds like a plan. I will be the one going with you since I am your manager and maybe my wife. Figure out the date Sanem, call me as soon as possible so that I can contact the bookstores for your signings." They shook hands in agreement than Sanem headed to the Agency so she could talk to Leyla and Aziz about the renovations. She walked into the Agency in a daze. Can had snuck up behind her and said "So what did Fikret think of the photos?" Sanem got startled at the sudden approach from Can and than said "He Loved the whole layout. I need to call a meeting with all of you working on my business deal if possible." ..... "OK, I will get them in the Conference Room. Meet us there in 15 minutes." Sanem walked over to the beverage bar to fix herself a cup of tea. JJ was there, talked to him for a short time and they both walked to the room together. Everyone greeted Sanem as she made her way to a chair next to Leyla. Sanem than made the announcement "Listen, I have to go on a book tour for a month with Fikret. I have put it of long enough. He wants to do this before he releases my new book. We will be going around Turkey and Italy only the one that have sold the most books for starters. Anyway, I need to find out how the preparations for my Cream Business is going. Thought this would be the perfect time to go, so when it is ready to open I am here for the Grand Opening." Leyla replied "Well Sanem, Can was suppose to be getting in contact with Contractors for the renovations. Did you do that Can?" He looked over at Leyla and said "In fact I have Leyla! I have two lined up and need to sit down with you and Sanem to see who you want. One bid is higher then the other." Sanem sat there for a second "Listen Can, I trust you to make the best choice. Just tell Leyla and she will write the check. I really need someone to be in charge and handle this while I am away. Aziz bey, Emre and Can, will the three of you do it?" The three of them nodded yes in agreement. JJ than spoke up "Sanem, what do you want me to do about the camping trip? How do I handle that?" .... "JJ, when I return we will still do it. As soon as I get the schedule I will give it to Leyla. Than you can plan the weekend. I still want it to happen!" JJ was satisfied and agreed to wait as well as Aziz and Can. "I will be in touch with Leyla on a regular basis. I trust all of you with this," Sanem said. They all wish her luck on the tour and promised to handle everything pertaining to the renovations. Thay all headed back to work. Sanem followed Leyla to her office to discuss more on her finances. Sanem signed some checked for payments and Leyla locked them up in a safe in Can's office. She than said her Goodbye's as she walked out of the building. Fikret and her set the date in one week to start the tour. It would give her time to get everything in order and the weekend she would make it a point to spend time with her parents before she would leave.

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