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Friday Morning in The Balkans:                           Can and Polen had a meeting with the owner of the Photography job. It was scheduled to begin the photo shoot on Monday. There was a knock on the door when the meeting was about to end. The company owner went to the door to answer it. As he opened the door there were two Police Officers and the PI that Aziz had hired. He let them in and asked why they were here. Can and Polen looked up to see them standing there with puzzled expressions on their faces. The PI looked at Polen and asked "Are you Polen Ersoz?" She nodded yes. He then said " You are the person we are here for." Can then looked right at Polen. " Well, Polen Erson, we have a warrant for your arrest in Istanbul. Would you please come with us. You will be escorted back by this PI. You have been charged with assault and battery, with possible other changers pending. These charges will be explained in further detail once you arrive back to Istanbul." Polen then asked " May I ask who is changing me with these accusations!" The PI then handed her the warrant to read. "As you can read, these charges against you are in behalf of Sanem Aydin." the PI stated. Can then stood up from his chair in disbelief. The Police Officer then said to Can " Sir, I would strongly suggest you stay there and not say a word or otherwise you will be arrested for interfering!" Can stood back and raised both arms up to let them know he was staying out of it. The two Police Officers place handcuffs on Polen and escorted her out of the office. All she could say was " Can, can you please call my Lawyer, his contact is in my phone." They left Can just standing there in confusion. He then turned to the Owner of the Company and told him to find someone else to do the job. Can then walked out of the office building , waved to a taxi driver to take him back to the hotel. Once he got into his hotel suite, Can pulled out his phone to call Emre. <ring,ring,ring> Emre saw it was Can and told his Father and Metin that were sitting beside him. They were waiting for it knowing the arrest had been done. " What the hell is going on Emre. They just arrested Polen. Something to do with Sanem and are excorting her back to Istanbul as we speak." Can said in a very angry voice. Emre took  deep breath. Metin and Aziz were sitting there very quietly as Emre placed the call on speaker so they could hear it. "Well Brother, so much has happened since you decided to up and leave without telling anyone except Anne. I would suggest you get on a plane and fly your ass back here asap. I will make sure to have your truck waiting for you at Valet Parking. When you get here then everything will be explained. We will meet you at the agency, oh, by the way Baba is here to." Before Can had a chance to say anything, Emre disconnected the call. The three of them sat in the office after Emre hung up from Can. The plan was to have him come to the Conference Room so he could view the video. Aziz would have Deren direct Can there.                                                                                Can was able to get a flight in the early afternoon. Polen had left on a different flight earlier. He sent Emre a text letting him know when he was flying home and when to expect him. It was 4pm when Can flight arrived back in Istanbul. Can's truck was where Emre said it would be. He throw his bag in the back and headed to the Agency. Everyone had gone home. Only Aziz,  Metin, Emre, Leyla and Deren were left. They ordered dinner to be delivered at the agency while waiting for Can's arrival.

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