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Day light was beginning to break through on the horizon. Sanem has always been an early riser from opening the store for her Baba. She gathered her things and went to the women's bath house to shower and get ready for the busy day ahead. When she came out Muzzo, JJ and some of the men were starting to prepare breakfast. She poured herself some coffee then told Muzzo and JJ she was talking a walk down to the waterfront. They didn't worry about her because they knew Can bey was down there. As she approached the water she saw Can laying in the hammock awake looking out at the horizon. She walked over to him "Good Morning Can." He looked her way "Good Morning Sanem, did you sleep well?" ...."Yes I did Thank You for asking." He sat up on the hammock. "Want to sit down here for awhile and watch the sun come up." She walked over to the hammock and Can helped her sit so it would not flip. They sat facing the water when Can said "It is going to be a beautiful day. Are you ready for the photo shot. Mihriban did a great job on the arch didn't she!" .... "Yes she did. I am as ready as I'm going to be Can. I hope the pictures turn out."....."They will. I trust JJ. Just try to relax." ..... "Guess we better head back, breakfast was cooking when I came down here. It's probably almost ready." .... "Let just sit here five more minutes." The time turned into twenty minutes when JJ came up to them saying breakfast was ready. The three of them walked back to the campsite. Aziz, Mihriban, Leyla and Emre had arrived to join them. Everyone sat down to enjoy their meal. Leyla looked over at Sanem sitting in one of the camping chairs zoning out holding a cup of coffee. She nudged Mihriban to glaze over her way. They both got up from the table and walked over to her. "Sanem dear, are you ok?" Leyla asked. Sanem looked up "Just thinking about the photo shot with Can." Mihriban grab her hand and pulled her up and said "Let's go for a walk" Mihriban looked over to Aziz seeing a nervous Sanem he nodded knowing she was taking care of her. The three women walked away. "Sanem, it will be ok. Can knows what to do. Let him guide you through this. Trust him." Leyla said "I am Leyla, there are other feelings going on inside me right now and I am trying to deal with those." Mihriban had a feeling she knew what was going on in Sanem's heart. "Go with your heart Sanem, deal with the day and than you will know what to do." Mihriban told her. Leyla looked at her in a confused way. "OK baby sister, let's get back and get you ready. I will help you." Sanem smiled and they headed to the trailer. Mihriban went to join Aziz "Is she OK." He asked ...."She will be fine Aziz. Later today I think a breakthrough will happen between Can and her." Aziz looked at her hoping she is right. He wants his lion to be happy and back in his true loves life. Can and Emre had gone into his trailer to get ready. JJ had the camera in hand while the others were cleaning up the breakfast mess. Leyla had got Sanem's hair and make up done then left her alone to gather herself together for the photo shot. Back at Can's trailer he was ready. Emre patted him on the back, wished him luck and walked out to met Leyla. Can took  few minutes himself to get composure also.

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