Chapter Twenty Four

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Brooke Spencer

"Brookelyne, baby, come inside." Norma greets and ushers me into her home. The smell of an assortment of scents begin to flood my senses.

Her home is nicely warm in comparison to the cold, windy and rainy day, outside.

The sound of laughter erupts from the kitchen, bringing a smile to my face. I know that dad and mom are here already. Mom, referring to Jennifer, dad's wife.

"Would you like some help with those, baby?" Norma asks, indicating the multiple bags and containers of food that I'm balancing.

"Uh, if you'd take that top one, it'd be greatly appreciated." I smile and slightly bend down so that she can grab the bowl on top of my pile. I quickly walk into the kitchen and am greeted by hellos and bright smiles. It appears that dad's brother, his wife, and their two children came all the way to the UK from America for the holiday: Thanksgiving.

Yes, it is an American holiday, but Norma doesn't mind celebrating it with us, and of course, dad and I are from America.

"Brooke!" Dad's brother, Austin, jumps up and nearly tackles me in a big bear hug. The food nearly topples over, but luckily I have quick reflexes and catch them before they fall.

"Austin, hey now. Watch it." I laugh as I steady the bowls.

He lets go, still laughing, but as soon as I steady the food on the counter, I turn and grasp onto him tightly.

"Hey kiddo. How've you been? Dammit, how old are you now?" I release him and his wife, Marla, approaches me.

"I've been doing very well. I'm twenty one now." Marla wraps me in a tight embrace and softly kisses my cheek. I hug her back and tell her how much I've missed her.

Dad clears his throat.

"Actually, she's about to be twenty two in four days." Austin's eyes grow big as he shakes his head.

"You, little missy, aren't allowed to grow up. Stop it!" Everyone laughs at his complaint of my age.

"How are you Marla? You look incredibly stunning." She places an arm around my waist and pulls me in again.

"Thank you, dear. You are just so sweet. I'm doing great. You're looking incredible as well, honey." I grin at her and she pats my back before letting me go. Their two children come running to me, once I'm free, hugging at my waist and legs.

"Gracie! Alex! Hey babies! How are you?" Gracie, the youngest at four years old, reaches up for me and squeals excitedly when I scoop her up.

"I missed you, Bwooke!" Her little girl voice evident. She winds her tiny arms around my neck and squeezes as Alex, whom is five, squeezes my legs. I squat down to his level, keeping one arm around Gracie, but wrap the other around Alex.

"I missed you too, Brooke!" He squeezes a little tighter and I lean in, planting a kiss on his head, then kiss Gracie on the cheek.

For some reason, the breath seems to be knocked out of me and I begin having minimal difficulty breathing. I slowly peel the two children from me and stand, leaning against the counter for a moment, in order to catch my breath.

"Brooke, are you alright?" Dad asks hesitantly, quickly approaching me with large strides. I nod as he presses two fingers to my wrist, checking my pulse. I take in a deep, shaky breath and pull away.

"Dad, I'm okay. I think I just had the wind knocked out of me. I'm good." He nervously chews on his lip and searches my eyes for any kind of discomfort. Once he appears to be satisfied, he gently squeezes my arm and kisses me on the cheek, pulling away as Jennifer wraps her arms around me.

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