Chapter Nineteen

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Brooke Spencer

"Excuse me, where can I find Hayden Elliot?" I ask as we approach the nurse's station. My pulse is rapid and my chest begins to feel the strain. An older woman looks up from her screen and pulls her glasses down slightly.

"What is your relation to Mr. Elliot?" My eyes begin to burn as tears threaten to fall. I open my mouth to speak, but close it as exasperation hits me. I feel Niall step closer to me and I find some comfort in his closeness.

"He's my best friend." I manage. Niall's hand presses to my back and I draw in a deep breath.

"Hold on for a moment." I nod and rest my elbows onto the counter. My head falls into my palms and I release a sigh. My head has been throbbing for the last twenty minutes. It won't go away. Why won't it just go away? Tears burn my eyes once more and I shake my head, digging the heels of my palms into them. Niall's hand lowers to my hip. There, he gives a gentle squeeze.

"Niall?" A female voice cuts through the silence and I raise my head. Niall shoots the woman a small smile and squeezes my hip again. I feel his touch disappear as he takes a step closer to the person before us. I feel an undesirable pang of jealousy as his arms wrap around the petite frame and tears spring to my eyes again.

You've lost your mind, Brooke. Calm down.

God, what's wrong with me?

"Are you alright? Why are you here?" The girl rushes as they separate. Niall nods, places a hand on her arm, and casts a glance at me.

"We're here for a friend." I release a sigh and pull the sleeves of my sweater over my hands.

"Oh dear. Are they alright?" Niall gives a small shrug and lets her know that we are waiting for a response from the nurse at the desk. When I turn around, ready to notify that nurse of my impending impatience, I see that she's gone. My jaw quivers and eyes water again.

"Eleanor, this is Brooke. Brooke, this is Eleanor. She's dating one of my best mates." I blink then turn around and force a small smile. I feel myself relax at the fact that Niall mentioned that she's dating someone.

Internally, my stomach turns. Why am I being so aggressive about this woman? I am not the jealous type. I have never been. So, why now?

"It's nice to meet you, Eleanor." I stick out my hand, but she waves my it away, engulfing me in a hug instead. I stand, paralyzed, for a moment before returning the hug. Guilt flashes through my body as she releases me and I have to blink away tears again.

You're a mess, Brooke. You are an absolute mess of emotions right now and you better get yourself together.

My subconscious harshly reminds me.

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well. Niall, you didn't tell me that you were seeing anyone!" Eleanor squeals and I wince at her cheerful exclamation. My face flushes at the mention of mine and Niall's acquaintance feel. Niall, however, doesn't seem phased. Eleanor raises her brow, accusingly, before glancing down at her clipboard.

"You said you were here for a friend? I've just come from the emergency room. Is that where they are?" I shrug and feel the weight of the situation nearly crush me. Niall steps closer and subtly grabs my hand.

"It was an emergency, yes. I don't know if he'll still be there, however. I think things were more serious than that." Niall speaks for me and I give his hand a soft squeeze.

"What's his name?" She asks, looking back down at her clip board.

"Hayden Elliot." She continues to skim her charts, flipping the page to another. A frown tugs at her lips and I pull both of mine into my mouth as I await her response.

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