Chapter Fifty Four

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-Four Weeks Later-

"Brooke, we ran out of the Love Bird Cake and there are two customers requesting a piece." Harry's voice breaks my heavy concentration on tax numbers.

"Um, how much longer until the next batch?" I don't dare glance away from my stacks of receipts. A moment pf silence washes over the office space until he clears his throat.

"About twenty minutes." I finish punching in the line of numbers into my calculator, then mark my spot and turn to face him. I remove my glasses from my face and push them on top of my head, keeping loose hairs from falling into my eyes. My hand smooths over my face and I sigh before pushing myself out of my chair.

"Okay, tell them that there is a fresh batch on its way and offer them something to drink. Oh! Be sure to promote our new raspberry lemonade. It's been a favorite so far this spring. And then, I will bring the cake to them and tell them it's on the house, okay?"  He quickly nods and turns around, but stops in the doorway and clears his throat.

"Hey, are you alright?" I glance up at him and give a quick nod, almost too quick.

"I'm just really exhausted." And that's the truth. I've poured all of my time into this bakery, launching it's opening only five days after I returned to London.

"I can see that. Since today is Friday, maybe you should take the weekend off. Go catch up on some sleep. Oh, and eat a big meal. I've never seen you so frail looking." I just shake my head, declining his suggestion.

"Weekends are the busiest. I can't leave tomorrow. I'm fine, I promise." He looks as if he might protest but instead he walks out with a slight nod of his head, leaving me alone once more. I spin around to face the stacks of papers and receipts, pick up my pen, and try to focus. However, as my eyes scan the numbers, they begin to blur with the unwanted to tears gathering in my eyes.

"Stop it, Brooke. Just stop it." I mutter to myself as I wipe under my eyes, trying to ignore the burn that follows closely behind. "Get yourself together." And with that, I shake my head and bring my glasses back to my face, and begin my calculations once more.

. . . .

"Thank you for coming, have a nice evening." I bid our last customer for the night goodbye, and begin to clean up the dishes that he left at the bar. I hear the bells on the door ring and I softly mutter a curse word.

"I'm so sorry, but we are closed." I look up and feel my heart jerk in my chest when I see who is standing there.

"Hey Brooke." A moment of silence washes over us as I set the dishes down.

"Hayden? W-what are you doing here?" He shrugs and stuffs his hands in his pockets.

"I was just in the neighborhood." I give a soft nod and feel myself tense as he carefully observes me. A long moment of silence washes over us before he makes his way over to me and pulls me in for a hug. I remain still for a moment before slowly bringing my arms around him and hugging his fit body to me.

"Are you okay, babe?" I nod and press my mouth to his shoulder, trying to prevent myself from breaking down in tears. "Really?" His voice is soft as he squeezes my body a little tighter. When he pulls back, he holds me at my shoulders to get a good look at me and hums a disagreement. He releases me and invites me to his hotel for the evening just to catch up.

Harry comes out shortly after to inform me that he's cleaned up and that everything is ready to go for closing. I tell him that he can go and thank you for helping today. Hayden asks Harry to stick around for a moment and they both disappear as I clean up the few dishes that are left.

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