Chapter Thirty Eight

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Niall Horan

January 26,
Three nights ago, I received a phone call from a woman by the name of Christie Pardon. She called from Norma's home phone, in the middle of the night, leading me to believe that there was a problem.

Unfortunately, I was right.

I had reluctantly awoken Brooke when I hung up, tearing her from her much needed sleep. As I reminded her to remain calm, I helped her dress and hurried us out of the door. The whole time, my hands gently touched her and I spoke to her in a soft, quiet voice. I could tell she was nervous and frightened.

My heart ached and still aches for her, wishing I could take away the pain she must be going through right now. I would take her hurt in a second if I was capable of doing so.

Norma Wilson was taken into Critical Care at the hospital that night. She had been found passed out on her bathroom floor, by her neighbor, Christie. She hit her head on the bathroom counter, relatively hard, causing serious, internal damage.

She doesn't remember much at all.

She's lost a lot of her memory.

She had no idea who Brooke was when we arrived and Brooke nearly lost it.

When we walked into the room, Brooke walked into the room and greeted Norma as usual. Norma just watched her. Brooke was quick to realize that she wasn't recognized for who she is to the woman.

I had watched from the doorway as she talked to Norma, asking her questions that she already knew answers to. She wanted simple conversation that she thought Norma would respond to with ease, but to no avail.

The look on her face broke me.

I know she loves this woman. Norma is like a grandmother to her and I know this hurts Brooke. It's written all over her face.

Of course, we stayed over night. Brooke hardly slept. Instead, she tossed all night long. I could image she only received two hours of sleep.

Unfortunately, Norma wasn't any better. She had no idea who either of us were. Brooke went along with it, having nearly the same conversation she had the night before, and I even joined.

Norma complimented Brooke and I on our love for each other. She said she could see it in the way that we look at each other and touch each other. She said, and I quote, "I can feel your love, radiating from each other's. It's almost like magic."

Brooke just about broke. She smiled such a sad, broken smile and excused herself from the room. I informed Norma that I'd be back and hurried out, looking for Brooke.

I found her about to turn the corner and jogged to catch up. She had tears in her eyes as I turned her around and pulled her into me.

The pain was evident in her eyes.

When she pressed herself against me and begged me to hold her, I knew she needed me. She was so desperate for comfort and I was desperate to give it to her.

We took a seat in her dad's office, he generously allowed us some time together, and I held her on the couch, in the small office space. She didn't want to go home, in fear of missing something big, and so we stayed like that for a couple of hours.

Surprisingly, she didn't cry. Her eyes watered a couple of times, but real tears never fell.

So here we are now, day five, and Brooke is tending to a clueless Norma, while I rest at the table behind her, writing this entry.

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