Chapter Thirty Three

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Brooke Spencer

Pain—all I feel is pain.

I clutch my stomach as I roll over to my side and release a heavy sigh. I've been awake, off and on, for a couple of hours now. Nausea and headaches have passed through me multiple times throughout the night.

There's a harsh pressure in my lower back that has wrapped around to my stomach. The pain is so bad this morning that I believe it has caused this God awful headache to form. I can't seem to get comfortable in anyway which only escalates my pain and impending cranky behavior.

Anyone who says that a female has it easy, clearly doesn't have a brain or ovaries. We actually bleed out of our vaginas for, averagely, three to seven days every single month. We carry and grow babies; Real life human beings. We practically make the whole damn world turn.

How are we rewarded?

Cramps that makes us wish that we could rip our ovaries out with our bare hands.

"Baby?" I hear Niall ask. His voice is thick and a little raspy, and if I didn't feel like hell at the moment, I would definitely vocally acknowledge my love for it. Instead, I give him a short response, letting him know that I've heard him.

I don't exactly wish to talk right now. I am beyond tired and, once again, more than cranky. I just need to sleep.

The bed begins to move beside me and I feel one arm sneak over my waist, pulling my back against his chest. I suck in a small breath as the movement jostles me, sending a sharp pain to my abdomen. Niall freezes and tries to move away, but I push myself against him. I want him to hold me.

"Brooke," His voice changes from raspy morning, to alert and concerned. I pull my pillow toward me, curling around the plush material, in hopes of lessening the pain.

"What's wrong? Are you alright?" I nod and allow my leg to tangle with his, pulling myself closer to his body.

Instead of interrogating me, as I thought he might, he presses a hot kiss to my neck and then lays his head behind mine. We manage to lay like this for a long while until another wave hits me out of no where. A small whimper leaves my lips and Niall's body untangles from mine, allowing him to prop himself up on his elbow so that he can see my face.

"You're hurting. What's wrong?" I blow out a breath.

"I am in a lot of pain right now, yes. I'm having cramps from my cycle. My stomach and back hurt, my head hurts, and I haven't slept much."

"Darling," he gently lulls against my ear. I feel his hand pry my own from my stomach and feel it push beneath my shirt, his shirt, and begins to rub soft, slow circles. Seemingly, he hits the right spot, easing my pain. I press myself against him, enjoying the warmth of his body pressed to mine.

"Would you like me to get some pain relievers?" I don't respond for a few seconds as his palm continues to run along my lower abdomen. He hits one spot that makes me flinch which causes him to halt his movements.

I give a small nod and he drops his hand to the mattress at my side, then pushes himself up to hover me. I roll into my back so that we can properly see each other.

"We ran out of Tylenol a couple of days ago. I didn't think anything of it." He nods and watches my face for a moment.

He leans down, pressing his lips to my forehead, letting them linger a few seconds. Once he pulls away, I reach up, placing my hand to his cheek, and pull his lips down to my own. He kisses me softly as if trying to avoid harming me in any way. The pulsing ache in my head dulls as his lips continue to tenderly move against my own. The second he pulls away, the ache returns to my head, causing me to close and cover my eyes. I feel Niall move to the other side and climb out of bed.

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