Chapter Twenty

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Brooke Spencer

I walk into work, stomping my boots off at the door and watch as all of the snow falls off. I begin to shrug off my coat and walk toward the kitchen.

"Brooke, is that you?"

"Yes, ma'am." I turn the corner and see Norma standing at one of the stoves.

"How are you, dear?" I hang up my coat and approach her.

"I'm doing well. I'm quite exhausted. I didn't get much sleep last night." She turns around and gives me a skeptical look.

"Are you feeling alright?" I shake my head as I lean against the counter.

"Oh, I'm fine. Hayden ended up in the hospital last night. I was visiting him. " She sets the spoon down and turns around with concerned eyes.

"What happened?"

"He and Amanda were in an accident and he was put into surgery. He's doing much better since the surgery, from my understanding. Niall and I went up to the hospital after Amanda called. We had to wait a few hours, so I only got about four hours of sleep in total. Niall woke me up when Hayden was awake and told me that he wanted to see me." When I finally look up at Norma, she's stirring whatever she's making and has a smirk tugging at her lips. I narrow my eyes at her.


"So, you were with Niall last night?" She raises a brow and allows the smirk to take full effect over her face.

"He stayed over last night, yes." She drops the spoon into the pot and quickly turns her entire body toward me.

"Wait, really?" I hear the excitement in her voice, which causes a smile to spread across my lips.

"Yes, really. We see eachother quite often actually. I stay with him occasionally and he stays with me." I shrug. Norma grins and picks up the spoon to continue stirring her mysterious, delicious smelling treat.

"So, all is well with the both of you?" At this, I laugh.

"Everything is great, Norma. He's a true sweetheart. He's nearly perfect, really." I take a moment to collect my thoughts once I've finished saying what I've said. I sneak a glance at the woman. She appears to be satisfied with what I've said.

"I should mention something else." She remains silent which urges me to continue.

"I am developing serious feelings for him." I release a soft sigh before continuing.

"I mean, I'm even having a difficult time eating and sleeping. Sleeping is especially hard when he's not there with me. I tend to dream about him more often than not.

"You would think that's bad enough. I can't seem to think straight when I'm around him or, I suppose, when we are apart. I try so hard not to, but I think about him constantly. I yearn to be with him and to spend time with him. I adore his company. I love being near him. I have the most memorable times when we are together. We click so well, Norma." I shake my head slightly.

"This no sleeping or eating thing is getting quite tiring though. I can't seem to fix it, however. I just," I pause and press my lips together before continuing. "I really like him." I nod to confirm what I've just said and look up only to see her staring at me with crossed arms and attentive eyes. I sigh and she begins to approach me.

"Honey, have you told the boy?" I begin shaking my head and she grabs my arms, forcing me to focus my attention on her.

"Baby, you just need to tell him." She chuckles lightly. "Have you considered that this could possibly be more than a feeling of 'like'? Hmm?" I look down, but she pulls my face back up, lightly gripping my chin.

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