Chapter Three

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Niall Horan

I rush her to the hospital. As soon as I pull up to the entrance, I run around to the other side of the car, swing her door open, and carefully haul her into my arms. I'm careful not to hurt her as I head inside. Her body is slightly shaking and her breathing sounds very strained and labored. Her eyes aren't open but I can tell she's dipping in and out of consciousness.

When I jog through the automated doors, all eyes turn to us. "We need a doctor!" I call out. A nurse rushes to my side and looks at the girl in my arms. "Oh my God. Somebody page doctor Cameron! It's his daughter." Her voice is calm yet very loud. Many people in uniform seem to rush out of no where toward us. A young doctor asks me to lay her onto the stretcher very carefully.

"What happened?" I turn my head to look where the voice came from as we begin to move through the hospital.

"I-I'm not entirely sure. One moment, she was fine. Next thing I know, she passed out on me. She kept grasping her chest. I think something was hurting her." I swallow tightly and follow them into a room. There, they begin to read her blood pressure and oxygen.

"Brooke, can you hear me?" The young doctor asks, opening both of her eye lids and shining a light to look at them.

"We've got rapid eye movements!"

"We're barely getting an oxygen read!"

"Her blood pressure is 191 over 130!" Another voice chimes.

"Okay, start compressions. Myles, she's going into Cardiac arrest!" Suddenly a heart rate monitor flatlines and my heart gives a heavy thud against my chest. There's no way this is happening.

"Sir, you can't be in here. You're going to need to leave." I'm pushed from the room and am left standing in the hallway while the door is closed in my face.

What the hell is going on?

I look around and locate a sign that points to the waiting room. Once I find it, I take a seat on one of the chairs and frown as I think about this situation. She was perfectly fine, then all of a sudden she wasn't. It all happened so suddenly. I'm just wondering if she had a heart attack or a seizure. She seems far too young for that though. I feel my frown deepen and I allow my head to fall into my hands, feeling tiredness sweep across my body.

My phone begins to ring and I take a look at the screen only to see Liam's name.

"Hey man."

"Niall, where are you? You said you would be just a few minutes behind! We're all waiting on ya!" I shake my head.

"You guys can just go on without me. There was an emergency at the bakery right after you left."

"Emergency? Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I ended up having to take Brooke to the hospital. She had some kind of problem breathing and had chest pain. I-I'm not entirely sure what's going on."

"Man, that sucks. Are you going to wait around to find out?" I nod to myself then realize that he can't see me. I raise my head when I hear the elevator ding which stops me from giving him a response. The lady that works at the shop with Brooke walks out and I stand to greet her.

"Liam, let me call you back. I think her boss is here." I end the call and take a couple of steps forward until the woman and I are face to face.

"Have you heard anything?" She asks when she approaches me. I shake my head and watch as she takes a seat.

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