Chapter Seventeen

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Brooke Spencer

I take a look at myself in the mirror and brace myself against the edge of the counter.

"Niall, I like you quite a lot. You have become such an importance in my life and--" I shake my head  as I stare at my reflection.

Come on, Brooke. It can't be that hard.

My stomach and heart think otherwise.

I've been a wreck since my lunch with Hayden. I haven't been sleeping all that well and my appetite has definitely shrunk. This man has consumed every last thought and has left my stomach in knots. I have to tell him.

"I can do this. I will do this. Brooke," I shake my head again and drop it between my arms.

Who am I even kidding right now. I can't do this. I don't know how to tell him. Hayden did make a lot of sense when he told me if I don't act now, I may never have a chance and that's why I really want to do this today.

Just rip off the bandaid.

"Alright, Niall, there's something that I just need to tell you and--"

"Brooke, can I borrow your mascara?" Arralyne comes in behind me and I quickly turn around. Her brow is arched and she gives me a concerned look.

"Sure." I hand the tube to her, but halt once I notice her attire. She's dressed up nicely. As in, she's wearing a long sleeved red dress that goes down to mid thigh. Her make up is fixed to near perfection, minus the mascara, and her dark hair is in perfect place--every last strand of it.

"Well, damn girl. What's got you all dressed up for the evening? " I ask as she bends over my bathroom counter, applying the last bit of make up. She giggles in response and I walk around to the other side of her to sit on the counter. I watch as she blinks a couple of times and then closes the tube, turning to look at me.

"Oh, I have a date." She smirks.

"On a monday night?" I ask with a sarcastic tone.

"Wow, I inform you that I have a date and the first thing you question is the damn day of the week." She giggles again and I playfully roll my eyes.

"Alright, smart ass. Who's the lucky guy?" Her face brightens as she bites onto her bottom lip.

"Liam," She smiles at me and then turns back to the mirror to fix any mishaps in her outfit.

"Liam Payne?" She eagerly shakes nods. I scan her up and down and definitely approve of her datewear for the evening.

"Are you excited? Where is he taking you and what time?" She laughs and walks back into my room, sitting down on my bed so that she can fix her shoe. 

"Calm down, damn. I am extremely excited. He says that the location is a surprise, that I should look nice, and he should be here--" She's cut off by a loud knock on the front door. Arralyne nearly squeals as she stands from my bed and fixes her dress, checking herself in the mirror before she rushes back into her room.

"Brooke, could you get that?" I roll my eye but do as she asks. When I reach and open the door, a very well dressed Liam stands before me.

"Liam." I adress him with a humble smile. He leans in for a hug and my smile grows more. He's a good one for sure.

"Please come in." I usher him inside. He looks around for a moment then follows me into the kitchen.

"So, I guess that party actually did something, yeah?" A light blush creeps up his neck, followed by his face. I laugh as result.

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