Chapter Six

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Brooke Spencer

Being out of the hospital after being there for a few days always makes me feel like a brand new woman. The ICU is never fun. I have spent the last three days as a human pin cushion and as a classic science experiment; at least, that's what it felt like. I haven't had much privacy either seeing as a doctor or nurse were in and out of my room every hour or so. 

We pull into a parking spot and get out. Arralyne grabs my things for me before we head inside and get in the elevator to carry us to our floor. Things are quiet and I can appreciate that. I'm utterly exhausted and good, quality sleep is all I need right now.

"Jack will definitely be happy to see you." She says as we step out of the elevator. "He's seemed," she pauses and hands over her keys so that I can unlock the door. "-down since you've been gone". I purse my lips and flip through the keys before finding the one to our door. 

"Thank you for always taking care of him when I can't. I really appreciate it." She waves me off and we walk into the apartment. As soon as I close the door, Jack happily runs toward me with his tail high and wagging. I kneel down, giving him a few pets and scratches behind the ear and do the same when Arralyne's dog approaches as well.

"So, are you hungry? I haven't gone grocery shopping because I practically live at that hospital. I could order something like pizza?" I stand and grab my bag off of the table before telling her whatever is fine with me. Truth be told, I'd be surprised if she could wake me from the deep sleep I'm about to fall into. 

I make my way into my bedroom and shut the door. Jack paces a little and I reach down to give him a few more seconds of ear scratching before setting my bag on my bed. I sit next to it and pull my phone out of my pocket. I respond to my dad before laying back against the pillow and close my eyes.

                                      .                                  .                                   .                               .

"Brooke?" I slowly open my eyes only to reveal Hayden peaking in behind the door. I sit up and rub some of the sleep from my eyes and wave him in. He steps inside and takes a seat on the edge of my bed.

"Hey, sorry to wake you. Arralyne let me know you were out of the hospital and I wanted to check in on you. You doing okay?" I nod, but end up yawning before I can respond. Hayden lets out a quiet chuckle.

"Sorry, I'm exhausted. Things are good though. I feel a million times better and I'm just so happy to be out of that hospital. I hate that place." I shake my head and scrunch my nose up in disgust. "Oh, sorry about our dinner plans. Think we could try that again?" He laughs before rolling his eyes. 

"Only you would apologize for going to the hospital and missing dinner plans. No worries at all and I'd love to remake those plans." I smile at him before narrowing my eyes slightly. "What?"

"Do you remember when we went through that phase where--"

"Oh God, Brooke please don't". I begin to laugh and he shakes his head as his own smile tugs at his lips.

"What's wrong, Hayden? Memory lane not so good?" He rolls his eyes at me and begins to laugh as well.

"Please, I love memory lane. I still can't believe we actually tried dating though. When was that again?"

"Sixteen, that's easy. Remember? You had just gotten your driver's license and you took me to the drive in where you decided to-".

He throws up and hand with a grimace. "No more, please". I continue to laugh at the thought. He kissed me that night at the drive in then we literally avoided each other for the next three weeks. It was awkward and humiliating for both of us and it's now our best inside joke. We were young and dumb, and I think hormones just got the best of us that night. I always enjoy teasing him about it whenever I can. Good times.

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