Chapter Twenty Three

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Brooke Spencer

My eyes slowly open and are thankfully not greeted by the dreaded sunshine. I uncurl my legs and stretch them out, being careful not to disturb a sleeping Niall beside me.

After our night at the bonfire, my heart has just swelled.

I'm beginning to think that we are actually really good for each other.

We left around one and came back to his house. He offered to take me home, but I told him that I wanted to be alone with him.

He didn't protest.

"Good morning, love." I blink a few times and meet his eyes. A sleepy smile tugs at his lips and I notice that his eyes are a much deeper blue today. I feel myself swooning by just looking at him.

Probably as a result of my lack of response, he chuckles. I watch as he reaches forward to place a hand onto my cheek, gently caressing it.

"You are so beautiful." There is no hint of amusement in his voice and I feel myself blush in response. I hold his gaze for a few seconds then look away, not being able to hold the intensity of his stare. I feel Niall scoot closer until he's pressed against me. He gently lifts my chin, forcing me to look him in the eyes.

"How on earth did I get so lucky?" A soft gasp pushes through my lips as I look at him again. He pulls me a little closer and presses a gentle kiss to my forehead.

"You think you're lucky?" I mumble against the skin of his throat. He hums and pulls back so that he can look me in the eye again. After a moment of watching each other, I place a palm against his chest, gently pushing him flat against the mattress before throwing a leg over his hip. Once I'm seated on his lap, I lean over his torso, bringing my lips inches from his.

"I don't know what I did to deserve you, but God blessed me. You know that? I think God really knew what he was doing when he sent you into Rainy Days Bakery." I give a confirming nod and allow my eyes to move back and forth between his.

He shakes his head before bringing a hand to the back of my head and pulls me down. He presses his lips to mine and kisses me deeply. I sigh against his lips and kiss back.

"You've got me all kinds of mad about you, you know that?" I smile at him and kiss him once more before sitting up. Niall's hands land on my thighs and I feel a sense of heat shoot to my center.

"I'm going to go make some breakfast. Your little bag is sitting on my counter in the bathroom." He nods toward his bathroom on the other side of the room.

"There are towels beneath the sink if you want a shower or something." His hands give my thighs a soft squeeze before he pats the side of my leg, silently requesting that I get off of him.

I pull my weight from his body and quietly thank him before he pushes me back into the mattress and hovers my body again.

"I thought you were going to make breakfast." I raise a brow as my hands land softly on his hips.

Niall chuckles before his head dips so that he can kiss me again. The kiss doesn't last long and I find myself a little upset over this, but his smile makes that feeling fade quickly.

He quietly pads out of the room, leaving me alone in his comfortable bed.

There is absolutely no way that I could ever deny my feelings for this man. I swear that he is perfect in every way.

I push myself off of his cozy bed and stretch, reaching my arms above my head, and curl my toes. I decide to take a shower, but I don't really have anything to change into. I take a glance at his closet and bite my lip. Perhaps he wouldn't mind if I borrowed one of his hoodies.  He hasn't seemed to care before.

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