Chapter Seven

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Brooke Spencer

Hayden and Amanda began coming over a lot after he shared the information about their upcoming move. I've absolutely loved having Hayden around again and am thrilled that he and Arralyne are getting to know each other. 

Amanda definitely seems uncomfortable around Arralyne and I. I've done my best to remain cordial and kind to her but she's tested me a couple of times already. Arralyne frequently reminds me that I'm too nice of a person and that's how I'll end up very hurt some day. I can see her point but I loathe conflict of any kinda and I just don't want to be the one to start something. Amanda has gotten my blood pressure up a couple of times and I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to be nice to her. I'm trying for Hayden but I can not take it when she begins to to treat him horribly. I hate the way she speaks to him and how he just bends over and takes it. Come on, he seriously can't be that dense. 

Since our conversation in my room, I've pulled him aside on more than one occasion to point out that something isn't right. He always retaliates with 'she's still warming up to you and the situation, it'll be fine', but little does he know, it's him that I'm concerned about. I couldn't care less about how she acts toward me. I can not handle and will not continue to watch her treat him the way she does. I'm starting to think he should rethink letting her move with him.

I finish the braid that I've been working on before spraying some perfume across my body. With a pat on Jack's head, I leave the apartment and lock the door.

Today, I am finally returning to work against Arralyne's wishes. She thinks I still need some time to heal and recover before I dive back into working in a "high-paced" environment. The bakery is no where near high-paced and she knows that. It's steady, yes, but it's a comfortable kind of environment that allows me the opportunity to rest if needed. I understand why she has concerns and I appreciate the enormous amount of care that she gives to me but I just can't stay holed up inside that apartment any longer. I haven't been to work in about two weeks and I know Norma needs the help. She is beyond good to me and always allows me space and time when it comes to my health. I simply could not ask for a better boss or work place.

As I make my way down to the lobby, I end up sharing the elevator ride with a teenage boy. The ride is silent until he asks me a question. "Are you the girl that people have been talking about?" I feel surprised by the question and turn to face him.

"What do you mean?" He shrugs.

"Oh, uh I just heard my mom talking to another girl about someone who almost died of like a heart attack or something. I don't know who they were talking about, but I heard my mom telling my dad too." I didn't realize I was the talk of the complex these days. How does word like that travel so fast? 

I'm just about to reply but his eyes suddenly grow large. "Did those hurt?" My eyes follow where his are and I realize that I didn't button my sweater all the way up. A couple of my scars can be seen on my upper chest. I quickly cover them.

"Only one of them. The others were from surgeries." His mouth forms an o shape before he has a clear moment of realization.

"I have some too. They're all in this area." He points to the whole area of his chest and he shrugs. "Mine are all from surgeries too. They're for my lungs though, not my heart." I continue to look at him for a moment before looking down. "Are you on a transplant list too?" I look back at him only to see the most innocent expression. His voice drips with curiosity and almost a bit of excitement. It's as if he's happy to have someone who might understand what he's going through. That, I can understand the appreciation behind.

"No, I'm not on a transplant list. I actually had a special kind of heart reconstruction about two years ago that helped me tremendously. I think that saved me from the transplant list." He looks impressed.

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