Chapter Twenty Seven

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Brooke Spencer

"Are you excited?" I ask Niall as we carefully switch lanes, heading toward the London airport exit. My fingers drum anxiously against the steering wheel.

I don't want him to leave.

"I really am. I feel like I haven't seen my family in ages." I glance at him and my stomach flips. The smile on my face makes me swoon.

He's infectious.

"I'm really happy for you." I note and he takes my free hand into his.

"I believe the weather was in your favor today. That big winter storm is supposed to hit later this evening." He nods.

"I guess it was." I take another glance at him and he shoots me a soft smile.

My stomach seems to drop when I look at the road ahead. I don't want to say goodbye. I don't want him to be miles away from me. I also don't want to spend Christmas alone.

The rest of the drive is quiet. The only source of sound is coming from the road beneath the vehicle. Niall's fingers gently massage my own and he toys with my fingers until his phone rings.

"Lou," He smiles at me before I look back at the road.

He's quiet for a moment until a gasp sounds. My eyes flick back to him. His face is difficult to read, but as he listens, his smile grows.

"Are you serious?" I look at him again and he holds up a finger.

"That's amazing! How far along is she?" My jaw slackens. Is El pregnant?

"This is so exciting, mate! How is she?" He pauses for a bit.

"Pass on my condolences then." Again, he takes a moment to listen.

"I won't share with the others, don't worry." I switch lanes again and sit back.

"I am beyond ecstatic for the both of you. Congratulations mate." His thumb slowly drags across the back of my own and I smile again.

"I'll be back in ten days." I switch lanes once more and await for Niall to share the news.

"Will do. Thanks, man." He pulls the phone from his face and ends the call. He excitedly turns toward me. I give him a knowing glance.

"They're having a baby!" He rejoices and I release an excited squeal.

"That is so so exciting! How's Eleanor?" He grimaces slightly.

"Louis said she's struggling quite a lot with morning sickness. She's taken a couple of days off of work."

"I'll have to pay her a visit soon." He squeezes my hand.

"You should. I think she would enjoy your company. The two of you seem to get along well." I nod.

"I really like her. She's sweet and very funny."

Once I park, we both get out, being sure to bundle ourselves up. He manages to grab his luggage from the back and I take his duffle bag. Once we've gathered everything, Niall slips his hand into mine, giving a comforting squeeze as we walk toward the entrance.

It isn't long after we get luggage checked in that his flight is being called. I feel myself deflate at the thought. Our hands untangle and I feel tears burn my eyes.

I do not want him to go.

"I'll be back soon my dear." I look up at him and raise a brow.

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