Chapter Sixteen

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Brooke Spencer

My sleep is obnoxiously interrupted when a loud ringing cuts through the quiet air. Blindly, I feel for the device that is emitting the awful noise.Once  my finger come in contact with the phone, I answer it without looking.

"Hello?" Exhaustion is highly evident in my voice.

"Good morning, my sweet friend!" I remain quiet and slowly open my eyes.

"Oh my gosh, did I wake you? Babe, I am so sorry." I run a hand over my face and shake my head as if he could see me.

"Hayden, what is it?"I feel an arm tighten around my waist and I throw a glance over my shoulder.

"God, hun, I feel bad. Go back to sleep and give me a call later, alright?" I let out a quiet huff.

"You already woke me up, so you might as well complete the call's purpose." I feel another slow movement behind me before I feel Niall bury his face into the crook between my neck and shoulder.

"Oh, okay. I was wanting to know if you were  free today? I would like to spend some time with you. We haven't had much time together since I've arrived in London." I can practically hear the pout from his end.

"That would be nice, yes. What time would you like to meet and where?" I pull my phone away from my face and look at the time.

"I was thinking we could grab a late lunch at a deli. Know of anything good?" I rub my eyes again and give him brief directions to one of my favorite sandwich shops Downtown.

"How does one thirty sound?" I let out a small yawn.

"Perfect." I glance back at Niall, once again, and instantly feel a small grin pull at my lips.

"Alright, see you then." We say our goodbyes and hang up. I place my phone on the bedside table before snuggling back into the blankets. Niall's head falls from my neck and is now pressed against the back of my neck.

Just as I think I'm about to fall asleep again, I feel a pair of lips press against my neck, sending goose bumps through my body. His arm tightens before he kisses the shell of my ear.

"Good morning, darling." I hear him mumble in his soft spoken morning voice. I decide to wriggle in his grasp so that I can now face him.

"Good morning, handsome. Did I wake you?" His eyes remain closed as he shakes his head.

"No, I've been awake off and on for a while now." I hum and bring a hand up to the back of his neck. I allow my fingers to gently thread through his hair.

"Did you sleep well? I didn't take too much of the bed from you, did I?" He chuckles and opens his eyes. I smile once I see them.

"I slept perfectly fine, my love." I blush at the pet name.

"I must admit, you are quite the opposite of a bed hog. You seem to be a clingy sleeper." I giggle and bite my lip, my brow quirking in surprise.

"You think so? That's strange because I am typically all over the bed." He hums and draws my body a little closer.

"Perhaps you just really like me." I smile and pull his face closer.

"Perhaps I do." With ease, Niall ducks his head and presses a long kiss to my lips.

My stomach flutters as it did last night. When we laid down to go to sleep, after I had spent nearly twenty minutes convincing the man that I was perfectly fine with sleeping in the same bed, he gave me a long kiss just like this one.

Once he pulls away, he smiles down at me.

"Did you sleep alright?" I nod.

"Yes, your bed is quite comfortable. I could sleep here all day if you would let me." He chuckles.

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