Chapter Thirty Four

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Brooke Spencer

"Hello, sweetheart." Niall says to me, pulling me in for a hug as I walk through the main entrance to the hospital.

"Hi, honey." I reply, gently kissing his cheek as he slides his hand down my arm and laces his fingers through mine. He gives me a gentle tug and we begin to walk.

"How was class?"

"Well, it was class. A massive assignment was given today. It's going to count for thirty five percent of my final grade." My eyes widen and he chuckles.

"I know, right? I have just a hair over three weeks to complete it. I am a bit stressed right now." I move my free hand up and down his arm as we make our way through the rather busy crowd of people, toward the elevator.

"Oh, Niall." I exhale.

"If there is anything that I can help you with, please let me know." He smiles and brings our hands up to his lips. He presses a soft kiss to the back of my hand then lowers them again.

"Thank you, darling. I think I've got it all under control. I'll let you know otherwise." I smile at his response.

"Putting all of that aside, how was work?" We arrive at the elevator and he pushes the up arrow once we've stepped inside.

"It was really busy. Norma had to run an errand, which isn't a big deal, but I certainly hadn't expected things to get that crazy. I think I managed everything pretty well though." I give a sly shrug and Niall begins to shake with laughter.

"Oh, you did, huh?" He asks, playfully nudging my shoulder as the group of Doctors, on the elevator with us, step out on the second floor. His face holds an amused expression.

"Hey, now! I really did manage things quite well." I giggle and tug my hand from his grasp to lightly shove him away. Again, he chuckles.

He grabs my wrist and pulls me back to him. My chest collides with his and he dips his head to pepper my cheek, jaw, and then neck with quick kisses, while clasping his hands behind my back. I giggle as he continues to assault my skin with his lips, seeming to only urge him to continue.

"Niall!" I laugh against him as I lean my head down to his chest, resting my forehead against him. His lips continue to kiss me, now on top of my head.

After a couple of more pecks, he suddenly stops and tilts my chin up toward him. I look at him with a small grin on my lips, just as the elevator opens, signaling our arrival on the third floor. I gently tug on his hand and he follows me into the lobby area.

We begin to walk toward where I remember Amy's room to be. Before we make it much farther, Niall yanks me in the opposite direction and I refrain from squealing. I am spun around until my front collides with Niall's and I release a quiet giggle.

"What do you think you are doing?" I giggle again.

"For the record, I didn't get a proper kiss back there." I arch a brow, in which he returns.

"Niall, you had ample opportunity to kiss me properly!"

"That may be true, yes, but I still didn't."

"This is silly, honey." I giggle even more and even get him to laugh with me. He reaches down for my hand and begins playing with it as we continue to talk about the "proper kiss that we didn't have."

"No, what's silly is that you won't shush long enough so that I can finally give you one." I shake my head.

"I mean, when has that ever stopped you before?" I ask.

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