Chapter Thirty Five

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Brooke Spencer

"Well, hello stranger." Hayden teases as I approach the table that he's seated at. He stands from his seat with a massive grin and hauls me in for a hug.

"I have missed you so much." I smile and pull him closer.

"I've missed you too." He gives me a squeeze and then releases my body. Once we are both seated, he looks at me. I beat him to the conversation though.

"How are things?" I ask.

"Things are going okay right now." I arch a brow, urging him to continue.

"College is fun. It's hard, but I love it. I have finally made a decision regarding a future career." I smile, awaiting for him to continue.

"I am going pre-med." My smile grows and so does his.

"Hayden, that's amazing!" I squeal and grab his hand from the table.

"You are going to do amazing things in that field. Oh, I can see it already!" He laughs and thanks me for my support and enthusiasm.

A waitress approaches our table and takes our order quickly. We dive right back into conversation.

"Do you know the exact area that you want to work in?" He nods.

"I do, actually. I want to work in pediatrics." My smile only widens.

"Pediatric studies? You are going to do so great, H." He thanks me again.

"Okay, so what else is new? I feel like I miss everything these days." I playfully pout and he chuckles before scratching the back of his neck.

"I suppose I'll go ahead and rip this off like a bandaid." Our waitress brings us our drinks then leaves again. Hayden grabs his glass and gulps half of it in less than five seconds. I frown slightly.

When he sets the glass down, he releases a sigh.

"My parents got a divorce." I don't mean to, but I gasp.

"I know, right? They were married twenty four years. The paperwork was finalized about a week ago."

"Hayden, oh gosh, I am so sorry to hear that." He shrugs.

"What, I mean, what happened?" Another dry laugh meets his lips.

"She cheated on him, Brooke." My eyes widen and lips part in disbelief. I shake my head, not believing it for one second.

"Hayden, I don't-"

"Oh, neither did I, but you better believe it. My dad received an early leave and came home to surprise my mother. He walked into their room and was met with some guy's face buried between her legs." He scoffs as his eyes gloss over momentarily. My eyes soften and I take his hand in mine again.

"H, I am so sorry to hear that. Are you okay? Is your dad?"

"My dad is a wreck. He loves her so much--even after she did what she did. Oh, and get this. It wasn't just a one time thing." My brow raises.

"Yeah, it turns out she had been sleeping with this guy, who--might I add--is closer to my age than hers, for about four months prior to him finding out." I cover my mouth with my free hand.

"My dad loves her more than he can handle and it has sent him into some pretty serious therapy. He's on some pretty heavy anti-depressants too." He sighs.

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